Vaccine calendar 2015: news

Each beginning of the year, the AEPED Vaccine Advisory Committee publishes the vaccination recommendations for that year and just did it for the year 2015 posing news compared to the previous year.

At vaccine schedule It indicates the ages at which vaccines considered systematic, those recommended and those aimed at risk groups should be administered. Although as you know, it is only a proposal, since although it has been requested for years to be standardized, each Autonomous Community has its own vaccination parameters and that is why we have 19 different vaccination schedules.

News on the vaccination calendar for 2015

  • Change of vaccination schedule against human papillomavirus in adolescents under 13 or 14 years, depending on the vaccine, being able to apply only 2 doses.

  • The new vaccination schedule against meningococcus C is reaffirmed with a 1 or 2 + 1 + 1 scheme: one dose at 2 and 4 months or only at 4 months (according to vaccine preparation), another at 12 months and a third , in adolescence, at 12 years of age.

  • Given the limited duration of immunity against whooping cough, the recommendation of DTPa or the combined vaccine of low antigenic load against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdpa) at 6 years and Tdpa at 11- 12 years. Since the vast majority of CC. AA using Tdpa at 6 years, it is recommended that it be followed by another dose of Tdpa at 11-12 years of age.

  • The meningococcal B vaccine limited to hospital use, so that it is not available to all children (the AEPED had already requested its inclusion in the calendar) and that of chickenpox are vaccines recommended by the CAV-AEP currently not available in Spanish community pharmacies.

  • Outside the childhood calendar, vaccination with Tdpa is still recommended for pregnant women, from the 27th week of gestation, and for family members of newborns (especially the mother in the immediate puerperium, if she has not been vaccinated previously in pregnancy).