You don't know when to exercise? Five examples of mothers who do it with their babies

Exercise is healthy. Always. Before pregnancy, during pregnancy and after pregnancy. What happens is that many women do not feel too well during pregnancy, and stop doing so, and many do not feel strong enough once they are mothers, so that they sleep poorly and badly and the baby demands a lot of attention and "sucks" a lot of energy.

When the weeks pass, perhaps the months, many mothers feel they could do some exercise, but having the baby, or even more children at home, makes them think that there is no time to exercise. The reality, however, is that yes there is, if you include the baby in the routine. You do not have the same freedom as being alone, obviously, but it is a solution, so today we are going to show you Five examples of mothers who exercise with their babies.

The first is a mother whose video has been running on social media for a few days. An authentic "machine" for a woman who probably has been exercising for a long time, since she carries out a fairly advanced routine. It is not suitable for women who want to start, but it is an example of what you can aspire to:

The following is a simpler routine. It's about working the core for about 15 minutes (the core would be the entire area involved in ensuring that we always have a correct posture: abdomen, lateral muscles and back), but at a more basic level. Come on, if you have been exercising for a short time, it may be a good idea to do something like this:

The next one would also be considered quiet, but with more exercises and more dynamism. It is not one of those that make you sweat, but it is ideal if you have a small baby. Good idea if what you want is to go toning:

If you are one of those who have little time, sometimes it is better to do something that steals you only a few minutes, but more intense. The following routine is quite short, but it will surely make you sweat. If you know little, you can always repeat it again and do it twice (or three, or four, ...):

The last is the longest, but not the most intense. It would be the continuation of the second and third, what comes next. A little more intensity for longer, to exercise more and touch more muscles. If it gets too long you can always alternate it with one of the above:

What do you think? Do you see yourself in these lides? It seems to me a great idea for those moms who want to exercise, the truth.