Endometriosis, the silent disease

The endometriosis It is a disease that affects 15% of Spanish women of childbearing age whose diagnosis is generally too late. Hence it is known as the silent disease, because an average of between five and ten years have passed since the first symptoms are detected.

Today, March 14, World Endometriosis Day is celebrated, a good opportunity to talk about this disease that involves a lot of pain and compromises the fertility of women.

What is endometriosis?

Consists of the appearance and growth of endometrial tissue outside the uterus, especially in the pelvic cavity as in the ovaries, behind the uterus, in the uterine ligaments, in the bladder or in the intestine (although it can also appear outside the abdomen as in the lungs or in other parts of the body) causing severe pain menstrual bleeding with irregular and heavy bleeding, in addition to cysts in the ovaries.

It can be inherited and is usually diagnosed between 25 and 35 years old, although it begins to develop with the onset of regular menstruation.

This disease alters the quality of life of women who suffer from it, affecting their relationships, family, work and reproduction.

Endometriosis is related to a decrease in the oocyte reserve, as well as a worse quality of the same decreasing the fertile capacity of women. 25 percent of infertile women suffer from this disease and many take too many years to find the cause.

Symptoms of endometriosis

  • Chronic pelvic pain

  • Painful rules

  • Discomfort in sexual intercourse

  • Bleeding after urination

  • Fatigue

Endometriosis Treatment

Given the symptoms, we must put ourselves in the hands of specialists to prevent the endometriosis, silent disease Continue to evolve. Proper treatment improves the chances of getting a future pregnancy. Today, numerous centers specialized in reproduction treat this very common ailment. The IVI, for example, has launched an Endometriosis Unit to accelerate its diagnosis and treatment.

On March 28 will be celebrated, one more year, the Worldwide EndoMarch, Endomarcha or world march for the Endometriosis that will travel the streets of Madrid.

Video: True Story: I have endometriosis (May 2024).