He doesn't go over home treatments: buy semen online and you self-inseminate

Nowadays, almost all the treatments that you can do in a professional site, you can also do them at home, from laser hair removal to removing skin blemishes with last generation devices, but I think this is getting out of hand . He does not go over home treatments is artificial insemination. As you hear it, you buy semen online and you self-inseminate In the comfort of your home.

There are some sperm banks that offer this service. One of them is Cryos, the largest in Europe in Denmark, and many people come in search of the dream of being parents.

How the semen a la carte service works

Just as who buys a bag or shirt online, you enter the bank's online store, choose the characteristics of the donor (race, height, weight, age, hair color, eyes, and even the voice) and they send you home the corresponding sperm inside a nitrogen tank. Next to the tank, as in Ikea, a manual with step-by-step instructions for use.

The sperm is stored in elongated tubes, called by the bank "straws" (so appropriate name), which must be allowed to defrost for at least 20 minutes before applying with a syringe that is also included in the kit. Once everything is unpacked, everything is explained in the manual with images to proceed with insemination at home.

How much insemination costs at home

Prices vary depending on the quantity of sperm tubes or "straws" that are requested and the type of shipment. For example, two samples of anonymous donor with a basic profile (here without pretensions) cost 184 euros plus VAT and if we choose not anonymous, 460 euros plus VAT.

To this we must add the shipping costs ranging from 39 euros if you approach the bank of Denmark to pick it up to 349 euros which costs a door-to-door shipment to the rest of the world (outside Europe). All more VAT, and that without counting any customs tax that could arise outside the EU.

To reduce costs, you can also send the sperm tubes inside a container with dry ice, but only guaranteeing shipments within 1-2 days and within the European Union, although shipments are made in tanks all over the world.

Who use this service

Its main clients are heterosexual couples in which the man is infertile, then single women, usually over 30 years and higher education (representing 50% of the demands), and finally women couples (10% ).

In Denmark it is legal, but not in Spain. And interestingly, although only assisted reproduction clinics are authorized to perform this practice, in our country the demand for this service has increased significantly. The sale of sperm in Spain through this website increased 100% last year.

Self-inseminate with a click

Assisted Reproduction Clinics They do not recommend that a private individual perform a home self-contamination. They ensure that minimum hygiene conditions must be guaranteed, have technical notions and know the exact moment at which the insemination must be performed in order for it to succeed. If you self-inseminate when you are not ovulating you will have thrown the money down the toilet, and that, if at that time the optimal conditions to conceive are given, only a doctor can see it through specialized techniques.

In addition, there are other no less important issues in which there is no control in online shopping, such as that the person acquiring the sample is of age or does not suffer from any serious psychiatric illness, for example.

Does self-insemination work at home?

Of course, it seems very easy. Very of these times when the internet solves us from sending fruit home to being parents, but does it really work? Can we trust this solution? According to assisted reproduction specialists, Only one in 20 women who perform self-insemination at home will get pregnant.

How do you stay, what do you think of the self-insemination service at home? Would you try it We await your comments, and please if any of you have tried it, we want to know your experience.