Beware of the language you use in front of children

That children are true sponges with everything around them we all know, surely our children have surprised us more than once and twice with a phrase, word or doing something we would never have thought they were capable of doing. And we must be careful with what we say or do in front of them, especially we must be Be careful with the language we use in front of children.

When they say the first word we tend to laugh, because they usually say them out of place and most of them poorly pronounced, but still we are encouraging, with our reaction, a behavior that is not well seen.

His first taco

The use of "tacos" begins with the learning of language, between 2 and 5 years, after all they are still words that adults use, in some cases with excessive assiduity.

The normal thing is that the first swear words that our children pronounce are as an imitation of what they see around them, as another word that they hear from the elders. They do not really know its meaning and proof of this is that they usually do not go in the context in which an adult usually says it.

And of course, it's funny and above all, it's something you don't expect. Seeing your son who is barely able to say three phrases in a row pronounce a taco, sometimes even accompanied by a whole choreography of gestures and changes in tone, usually gives us a smile and the best thing in these cases is to let it pass and take note of our behavior or that of the rest of the family members who spend time with the child, trying to moderate our language, especially in those moments of anger that is when more emphasis is placed on the tacos apart from pronouncing them alone in the sentence, which makes them more Easy to recognize by the little ones.

The swear words, one more way to get our attention

It is enough for them to know that something should not be done or said to be used whenever they need to call attention to them. Here we must try to discover the real reason why our son is demanding our attention, far from provoking a drama, it is better not to pay special attention and only if we persist in that behavior or use words that may be offensive to others should we Apply limits to correct the situation.


Avoid using that type of vocabulary at home. We are your main reference and therefore if we use them it will be very likely that they will.

Do not give signs that we are funny, because it will encourage its use, just do as we have not heard.

If the problem persists and the child uses them in his moments of anger, give him some other alternative such as lifeguards, snails, Wednesdays or some other that your grandparents would surely pronounce.

In the video, remember that you can only laugh if you are alone, we see many of these situations and as a final touch, when a father asks, who has heard that word? The girl simply answers the truth: to you

Video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids2-7 Year Olds Proof-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (July 2024).