Games to stimulate the baby's manual ability (fine motor skills)

Fine motor skills involve the use of small hand muscles. Promoting them is important for the child's development, both cognitively and emotionally and socially. Your handyman must be ready to introduce the use of writing tools and daily tasks such as dressing, eating, cleaning ... Completing these actions every day favors the child's self-esteem and helps him be more independent.

With these incredibly simple games that we propose to coordinate the movements of your hands you will also have your busy mind.

Entertaining and strengthening your hands

  • Colored shapes with plasticine

What child does not love modeling clay? With this material he has fun forming figures and blows his imagination at the same time as strengthens the muscles of the fingers and try new textures for touch The creation of balls, worms or any other form that involves stretching, crushing, rounding, shaping and breaking pieces, contributes to exercising fine motor skills and is a tactile sensory experience.

  • To paint with your fingers!

With this activity strengthens eye-hand coordination, spatial reasoning and channels your thoughts and emotions with creativity. You only need some non-toxic natural hand paints, a cardboard and the Polly 2 in 1 high chair in chair mode to sit and paint on the table. Of course, dressed in clothes that we do not mind being stained.

  • Water goes water comes with a sponge

The game consists of transferring water. Take a small sponge, if it is very large, cut it, and put two bowls with a little water. Tell him to dip the sponge in one of them and drain it on the other. A simple and very effective idea that will keep you at least a while distracted while strengthening your muscles.

  • His first scribbles (with thick triangular waxes)

Children must have strength and skill in their fingers before they learn writing. Provide a triangular wax that is especially suitable for smaller fingers and encourage them to hold them correctly with the thumb and forefinger, so you will not have problems later to hold the "older" pencils.

  • Strings of dolls and cut-out circles

Take a paper, cut a long strip and fold it as if it were an accordion to form a rectangle (it is easier if you fold it in half first and then in other halves). Draw a picture on it (a doll, a fruit or just a circle) and the stroke reaches the edges. Then, ask him to cut it, and when unfolding it will appear the chain of figurines! Cut paper with scissors appropriate to their age is essential to dominate this form of grip so different from others.

  • Magic towers with glasses that fit

The pieces fit toys help the development of visual and manual coordination. It is quite a challenge for the child to succeed in fitting and disengaging them and, at the same time, they have fun and stimulate creativity and reasoning. Also those of stackable objects, such as plastic cups, and large puzzle pieces.

  • Macaroni necklaces.

Threading is another of the activities indicated to favor fine motor skills, due to the difficulty it entails for your little fingers. Cut a ribbon or string and grab a handful of Shark paste, which will be the beads of the necklace or bracelet. Ideally, decorate them before with paint and once they are dry you introduce one to see how it is done and then insert them on your own. Once the necklace is finished, we can take turns, without forgetting to tell us how handsome we are!

A place for you to play and learn for sure

So you can take a look while performing these exercises (and have "controlled") sit on a high chair like the Chicco Polly 2 in 1 Denim Edition model. This accessory not only serves to eat, but also to learn in a playful way: from 12 months to 36 months, the high chair becomes a chair to feed and entertain on another table.

The Fine motor skills, such as thick motor, are acquired progressively. At the beginning it will cost more, but you will see how little by little with practice and age you will have to propose more complex games, but just as fun!

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