The impact of drugs on women's fertility

There are many factors that influence women's fertility and almost all of them are related to a healthy lifestyle. Among the worst habits for sexual and reproductive health is drug use, which has a very negative impact, causing fertility reduction.

From the known effects of tobacco or alcohol to others more unknown (fortunately, less common) of illegal or hard drugs, we will review the effects that these substances have when it comes to achieving pregnancy and how, if there is finally conception, They also have a negative effect on the health of the fetus.

Effects of tobacco on female fertility

Among women smokers the chances of conceiving are reduced between 10% and 40% per cycle. The higher the number of cigarettes consumed, the longer it takes for the woman to become pregnant. Women who smoke have twice the risk of being infertile than non-smokers. The success of assisted reproduction treatments is also reduced.

Other risks for women smokers who take oral contraceptives is that the possibility of acute myocardial infarction increases and women who smoke a daily packet of cigarettes for 20 years have a risk of early menopause three times higher than non-smokers.

Effects of alcohol

Among the effects of alcohol on female fertility are the appearance of irregular menstrual cycles, absence of ovulation, increased risk of abortions and onset of early menopause. Obviously, the greater the amount of alcohol consumed, the greater the damage. However, remember that drinking alcohol affects both male fertility and female fertility.

Effects of cannabis or marijuana

We have already seen the effects of the use of marijuana on sperm and in women it also increases infertility, since menstrual disorders, cycles without ovulation and spontaneous abortions occur.

This is because the psychoactive substance THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) contained in marijuana would suppress the function of the hypothalamus, inhibiting normal hormonal functioning. If pregnancy is achieved and cannabis continues to be consumed, the health of the fetus is seriously impaired.

Hard drugs

Hard drugs can cause alterations of pregnancy, with damage to the fetus and the newborn. In addition, they are associated with sexual dysfunctions and risk behaviors, as well as a greater transmission of infectious diseases. Male infertility is also related to drug use.

  • Cocaine Alters menstrual cycles, can cause absence of menstruation, reduction of the number of ovulatory cycles and a milk secretion of the breast outside pregnancy and lactation. 
  • Heroin alters menstrual cycles and causes absence of rules. This is because heroin, such as cocaine, disrupts the normal production of hormones in the body.

  • Amphetamines, ecstasy: can cause arrhythmia, hypothermia, seizures and embolism and regarding fertility, in addition to causing or aggravating male sexual dysfunctions can damage the DNA of gametes, both ovules and sperm.

With all these disorders derived from drug use, pregnancy is more difficult to achieve and, when it is achieved, if drugs are still used, the health of the fetus will be in question. We will soon discuss the effects of these drugs on pregnancy.