Vision not Victim: photos of Syrian refugee girls who dream of a future as professionals

They are girls with a hard present but who dream of a future, like all girls their age. They left everything behind in search of a better destiny and despite all the difficulties, they maintain the illusion of becoming important people tomorrow.

"What do you want to do for a living when you grow up?" It is a question that is often asked of boys, but unusual in countries where the dreams and ambitions of the little ones are not taken into account, much less those of girls. The Vision not Victim campaign of the International Rescue Committee has asked that question to several refugee girls and the result is a series of photos of what a future looks like as professionals.

Haja, 12, wants to be an astronaut. Fatima, 11, surgeon. Rama, 13, doctor. Amani, 10, pilot, Fatima, 12, teacher, Muntaha, 12, photographer and Fatima, 16 architect.

The program Vision not Victim of the NGO works with groups of teenagers encouraging them to find their true values ​​and highlight them. Think that they are girls who escape a war, some of them are alone, without family, in countries they don't know. The photos are the culmination of the program.

Each of the girls collaborated in their own photo shoot by Meredith Hutchison, founder of the NGO. They were asked to draw a picture of how they look in the future and based on them the photos were taken, which are the culmination of the program. Not even war stops the dreams of these girls. Hopefully they get the future they deserve.

Video: Future Affairs 2019 - Livestream (July 2024).