Remember these symbols and report if you see them (this is how sexual predators identify their preferences)

In Babies and more We always try to promote upbringing with respect and affection towards children, and obviously, we reject any kind of abuse or abuse towards them. That is why we give you clues, whenever we can, to be able to detect abuse or abuse by other adults and act accordingly.

Recently we have found (although not new) with the symbols that every father and mother should know to denounce or act in case of seeing them. They are the symbols that pedophiles use to let them know what they are your sexual preferences and they are symbols that some adults could use with minors to show the rest that the child is "available".

They come from the FBI

These symbols are known for the FBI since 2007 and the page Wikileaks He shared them to spread.

According to the report, they are the symbols with which pedophiles recognize each other and distinguish each other, according to their preferences. Some are classified as "children lovers"others like "girls lovers" and others like "lovers of all children", whatever the gender.

These symbols are found on earrings, necklaces, rings, ... and have even been engraved on coins.

Symbols according to preferences

Each symbol has a meaning, and although some may sound to you, they all come to represent something tiny surrounded by something bigger (imagination explains the rest, I fear).

The symbol of children's lovers

A spiral shaped symbol of a large triangle wrapping smaller triangles. If it is well drawn it means that it has a predilection for children of any age. If it is irregular, like the one on the right, by young children.

Here you can see it in coins and jewels:

The symbol of girls lovers

A symbol in the form of heart that wraps another heart It means that the pedophile has a predilection for girls.

The symbol of lovers of all children

This butterfly It means that there is no special predilection for children of any sex and that he likes both.

The symbol of the child activist lover (CLOMAL: ChildLove Online Media Activism Logo)

This symbol is the logo or emblem of pedophiles who declare themselves activist fighters in blogs or forums. A fight for the freedom to be able to love children without restrictions, as well as for the legalization of child pornography.

Be careful with them, but be more careful with the direct environment

Obviously, parents should know them because it is a way that pedophiles recognize each other and can establish communication to share child pornography material or data of children they could abuse.

But this does not mean that knowing them we have everything resolved: most child abuse is carried out by family, friends or adults in charge of children and for this they do not need any symbol, but only to be able to deceive children by earning their trust and then convincing them that there is nothing wrong, but that it is better for parents not to know it (to which they add the consequent threat).

Video: The Grooming Process of Sexual Abusers (July 2024).