The more the father is involved in pregnancy, the greater the probability that the birth is natural

"I don't know, I don't know about this pregnancy. Total, the one that will give birth is her," many parents think. And in that thought they stay, without sharing too much of pregnancy, without accompanying her to the preparation for childbirth, and sometimes or to the tests, as if her participation were optional and not at all decisive.

But it's not like that. A woman can have a beautiful and easy birth or a very hard birth and to forget according to her emotional state when going to give birth, depending on how accompanied she feels, how strong she is known, her fear of childbirth and The expectations. And in this the couple has much to say and do, and to show the headline we bring you today: when the father is more involved in pregnancy, the probability that the birth is natural increases.

Parents should also prepare for childbirth

As we read in the Diario de Navarra at the Hospital Universitario de la Plana they have done a research work entitled 'Preparation for childbirth for them', in which they conclude that in the preparations for childbirth in which the figure of the father is involved, women end up having more desire to have a natural birth.

This desire reduces obstetric interventions, instrumentalization, and consequently reduces many risks arising from excessive control and medicalization of births.

42 couples participated in the work, and after six months of study, the authors found that the difference was an increase of 18.5% in favor of the desire for natural childbirth. When assessing how the deliveries were finally, they saw that they had registered a 15.4% reduction in the use of epidural analgesia, a reduction in the duration of the birth and they observed that the couples had gone less to the ER and needed less healthcare.

Trust is key to being a mother (and father)

"But if the preparation is for the mother to feel safe when giving birth, why do they explain it to me?" Many parents ask. Well, we already have the answer: because the mother's trust also depends on the father's trust in her. Of the security that he has at a time when she is exposed to a completely new situation and that can generate a lot of stress and anxiety, a lot of fear. Fear and fear of pain or something going wrong. And giving birth is something that, with fear, can become very hard.

In fact, another investigation showed a few years ago the opposite, that when the woman did not establish a connection of trust with the couple, the presence of the father made the birth more painful.

Giving birth is a normal process that requires tranquility, security and confidence in oneself. That is why it is always said that a woman should arrive as informed as possible at that time, to know what will happen, how she will live it, and how she can get carried away. If she also has a respectful partner, who accompanies her on the road, they both finish that day a job they started months later, and it is easier for her because she knows she is not alone.

And this benefit for the mother is also for the father, as the data explains, because surely she is better able to trust her as a mother, and in himself as a father; and there is no better way to start paternity feeling that you had been waiting for your baby for a long time, that you wanted to catch him and that day, that of his birth, is not the beginning, but the continuation of something that you have been waiting for and preparing for some time. .

It will always be better than those parents who have to learn forced marches, who catch their baby and strangers, with absolute fear and fear, return it to their mother because they don't feel safe even to hold them in their arms, no?

And how can they get more involved?

If there are parents who do not know very well what we mean by participating in childbirth preparation, or if there are women who are not sure how their partners could be more involved, they may be able to read these five tips that could help you:

  • Now more than ever, communication: that both talk about what they feel, whether it is positive or negative. The hopes, the fears, if they feel that they will not know how to be involved in the care of the baby, if they feel that they will not know how to educate him, or if on the contrary they are very excited and want to be born already. It is very important to know where each one is to start paternity and maternity in common with the cards on the table.
  • Go with her to medical visits: so that it looks and feels accompanied, so that it knows that the father is interested in what happens there and, if it is not, that he begins to be. Listening to the heartbeat works magic on anyone, and it can be the beginning of a feeling of love and responsibility. In addition, it is worthwhile for the two to listen to what the professionals explain to them.
  • Training together as parents: the two going to the childbirth preparation groups, precisely to learn about the process, what will happen, how it will be, and then also read books, magazines, articles; Talk to other women whose births have gone well and seek the wisdom of motherhood and fatherhood to gain confidence and security for the future.
  • Contact the baby: touch mom's belly, feel how the baby moves inside, start talking to him and wait for his response ... it is a way to start communicating with the baby and start a relationship that can go further when it is born.
  • Prepare things together: go both to buy the things they need for the baby, to know what they will need, what is each thing, what is it for, comment on how necessary or unnecessary it is and, why not, comment on the color or drawing of the pijamita That will take.

These are some tips for a way to live the most shared pregnancy that will undoubtedly be beneficial for the woman at the time of delivery, for the baby once she is born and for the same father, as we have said, that she will feel she has more security and capacity as a parent.

Video: Kims Story: Twin Pregnancy Video - Brigham and Womens Hospital (July 2024).