11 simple and practical ideas so that meals do not eat our time, our health and our vacations

They say that a habit becomes a routine when we have managed to repeat it for 21 days, I do not know if it is true, I have not been able to verify it but perhaps summer and holidays can be the perfect time to achieve it.

Do we propose that the menu at home become something simple in which we all participate?

Today we bring you 11 ideas or tips (as they say now ... ) so that the time we do not have does not become a problem when feeding us, so that the meals do not eat our time, our health and our vacations.

Yes, 11 simple and easy ideas if we all take care that it is supposed that this vacation is for everyone and not just for some in the family, you understand me

Do you remember when you had no children at home and had time to prepare delicious recipes? Well, now with children it is something more complicated but not impossible in addition, before we cooked a little more for pleasure and now for necessity, to eat, feed and be healthy, are not more than enough reasons to adopt these ideas? or at least some of them.

Sincerely: lack of time is a bad excuse

Let's put the cards on the table, how long does it take to make some fried eggs, prepare a salad and break them on top? How long does it take to prepare some scrambled eggs and place them on a slice of bread with olive oil and put some tomatoes above?

What takes for example to prepare a salmorejo does not exceed thirty minutes and you have a first round plate for a summer dinner, for example.

So first: the lack of time is no excuse, I say I have no time but I really want to say something else ...

Let's cook a little more than we are going to consume

And then we distribute the portions that we have overcooked in different containers, some will go to the fridge to consume them in a couple of days or three at most, the rest to the freezer and we have prepared some food next month, for example.

In fact, you can make a first preparation to eat that same day and then reinvent it for subsequent recipes from that base.

Enchiladas or chicken burritos, for example, are a solution to take advantage of the breasts that were left from the previous day but without noticing that they are those of the previous day. Camouflage in the kitchen is a technique and no, it is not so complicated.


Let's see, we put on after breakfast or dinner, when we are all together and let the children also participate in the planning of the menus of the week. It is the best way to get them to be more or less to the taste of the whole family and at the same time balanced enough for everyone.

Mission: make the purchase

Yes, we usually do the shopping when we have a hole or mom or dad but, we are on vacation so We can consider that going shopping once a week can be a “mission” in which the whole family participates.

Planning what we are going to buy based on the menus that we have already planned before helps us not to waste so much food, not to spend too much and to spend time in a more productive way.

Children to the kitchen!

Yes, let's take advantage that they are at home and Let's make cooking part of your routines like going to the pool or playing the console. With the help and guardianship of an adult they can perfectly participate in numerous processes such as washing the product, placing it or even in some cases and depending on the age, they can even use fire and knives.

There are fathers and mothers who taking advantage of vacations take their time to teach their children to use knives and avoid possible accidents. There are dishes that you will love to prepare especially those that have some dough in their preparation such as pizzas or focaccias, preparing fresh pasta with children can be deliciously fun and no, it is not complicated at all.

The pressure cooker

We'll see, if we have little time it is the perfect tool to prepare the main meal of the day, for example. And we can follow the same maximum mentioned before, the same preparation can serve us for several meals or dinners throughout the week.

The slow cooker

They are very useful in general and more in summer because they are a perfect substitute for the oven, for example and so we avoid overheating the house and especially the kitchen that sometimes takes away our desire to cook precisely because of the heat do you not is it happening to you?

Some of the recipes that are made with this type of tools are not that they require a particularly complicated preparation beyond putting all the ingredients at the same time and closing the pot. Neither fried nor fried, weren't we talking before we let the kids cook too?

Once for the whole week

Let's see that a cloudy day has come out and we will take advantage of it in the kitchen because we don't feel like going down to the beach or going to the pool all day.

That day you can prepare different recipes and organize their consumption during the rest of the week, We rely on the planning we talked about before.

The blender is our friend

And of the whole family. The blender, the one with a glass, especially if we have it or else the one with a lifelong arm, you can provide us with delicious smoothies (what is now called milkshake smoothies) of fruits and vegetables or some traditional milkshakes for snacks, for breakfast or to accompany dinner They are so delicious, refreshing and healthy that we can hardly believe it.

Are you not always thinking about how to make children eat more fruit and vegetables? Well here you have a great ally to get it!

Preparing food for the beach

Let's see that not everything has to be sad sandwiches to go to the beach, we can prepare some delicious menus with a little imagination and a touch of desire. Have you tried to prepare delicious salads in glass jars and put them in the beach fridge? Yes, it can be a complete and delicious dish, you just have to be careful to always take them on your feet and of course children can choose the ingredients of their own, for example.

The idea is cheap, environmentally friendly because the glass is recyclable and we always have cool jars at home and also, it is an appetizing proposal to spend a whole day at the beach.

To the beach bar without regrets

Let's see what If one day you have to eat outside the house then eat!

We are not going to feel guilty or anything like that we are on vacation at the end of the day but we should not ignore what we ask especially if we go with the children, a little wide sleeve yes but excessive control may not be the best thing? don't you think

Video: HEALTHY HABITS: 10 daily habits that changed my life science-backed (July 2024).