How to face summer with children at home without anyone getting bored

One of the biggest challenges of the summer for many families is to square the calendars of all their members and not die trying. Surely what I say is not far away, right? Since the smallest of the house they start their vacations At least three months long, madness begins to have them entertained and make them enjoy as much as possible while also at home. Above all, considering that your calendar does not always fit perfectly with that of the parents.

Well, now is the time to play think specific activities for them. A good option is always to do family activities. There is no better time of the year than this for parents, children and siblings to get involved at the same time in the same household task with which to strengthen ties and spend pleasant times. And, among the different possible options, there is one that never fails: the kitchen.

Cook a dish or dessert all together It is a good and positive experience that will help you enjoy fun and unforgettable moments at home, while you instill in the children the values ​​of a healthy diet.

Oddly enough, they are always willing to lend a hand when it comes to putting their hands in the dough. But, yes, so that everything goes smoothly, the kitchen is completely safe for them and the space in general does not become meaningless chaos, I recommend that you adapt the general design of the same, as well as its utensils, to the smallest of the home. These are small adaptations, of course, that will not cost you to make and that will benefit everyone. On the Ikea site, for example, you can find a series of guidelines and tips for design a family kitchen in which to cook all together.

Strategically placed appliances

If there are elements that involve more risks in the kitchen, those are undoubtedly appliances like the oven or microwave. Ideally, to avoid any danger that has to do with children is to place them at certain height. If they are installed in a column, you will prevent them from reaching their doors and not having them on hand when they are hot or running. Not to mention, of course, that in this way seeing the inside of them is much more comfortable when for yourself when you are cooking.

Refering to cooktop It is much more advisable that it be induction, since it does not heat up and is harmless to the touch.

Safe drawers and cabinets

Another key when adapting the kitchen for children is to make sure to put special closures in drawers or furniture where there are dangerous elements, such as knives or sharp forks. These are usually adjustable and easily adapt to any dimension and furniture design.

Equally useful is to place rubber or plastic bumpers in any furniture or corner of the kitchen. Thanks to them you will prevent the heads of the children from filling with bumps when they help you to cook.

And as for the elements that you leave on the countertop or the vitro itself, the most advisable thing is that all those large pots or pans or with hot ingredients inside, put to the bottom of it. Children will not reach them and it will be much more complicated to dump them in case of rubbing.

Elements and furniture that invite collaboration

As we have seen, the safety of the kids in the kitchen is the number one factor that you should look for when cooking with them. Once this is achieved, it is time to introduce some elements in it that are designed and designed specifically for them. Only in this way will they enjoy helping you prepare a cake, a salad or a homemade pizza.

Put things at your fingertips and create a playful and colorful environment In the kitchen it is the next step and it is essential for them to have fun and then eat much better what they have helped to cook.

To achieve this the best element in the world are wooden or plastic stools or steps that allow the child to be at an appropriate height with respect to the countertop. So they can work on it at the same time as you and go following the instructions you give them.

Another essential piece for them, are the junior chairs and coffee tables that you can place in the kitchen. Sitting in this area they can collaborate with you by kneading the ingredients for some cookies or putting flour on which then make the shape of some meatballs, for example.

What should never be missing when cooking as a family are the cutlery and plastic tableware. Shock and fall proof and avoiding glass at all times, they will be the ideal complement for them when they learn to cook, set the table and even to scrub or put in the dishwasher. And if you choose them in different colors or drawings, you will boost their creativity.

Also, to get them to continue developing their imagination and associate the act of cooking with something fun, you can use molds with different shapes that for them are attractive. Some containers for popsicles and ice creams to be filled with natural fruit juice or some molds shaped like animals, for example, to make bread or cookies. It is a good way to design your own food and, when they eat them, they have fun at the same time.

I assure you that cooking the whole family together and applying these safety tricks and fun elements to them, the little ones at home will dare to try new foods that until that date did not touch. There is no better way to have fun and enjoy them in summer!

Video: Summer crafts to try if you are feeling bored in vacations. Learning Process (July 2024).