Five normal feelings if you have a risky pregnancy

We always wish the best for the nine months of pregnancy but Sometimes our expectations are truncated by unexpected news: having a risky pregnancy. And women who have been through it know it very well. The tranquility and illusion of a "normal" pregnancy is replaced by anxiety and constant medical care, when not rest or hospitalization.

Circumstances may be very different from one woman to another, but surely there are some common fears, some normal feelings before a risky pregnancy It is good to know and share, because often speaking of them decreases the feeling of fear, loneliness and misunderstanding in the face of a complicated situation. Let's see how to understand and overcome these situations.

What does the woman feel about a risky pregnancy

  • Anxiety, continuous concern for the life of the baby, so much that sometimes this feeling does not give rise to preparing the arrival of the baby or simply does not want to imagine how it will be when it is born because there is fear of the loss of the baby. The loss of the baby is one of the most common fears of the pregnant woman and obviously in this case the fear increases. The best thing to reduce this feeling is to be well informed about what is happening to us, go to all medical check-ups by following the advice not to increase or reduce risks and share our fears with the couple and other mothers who are in a similar situation.

  • Resentment Given the circumstances, before herself (why plan this pregnancy?) and before the couple for having embarked on a situation so complicated that it has not gone as we expected. Resentment arises especially if the daily activity of the woman has stopped, if the inactivity makes a dent in an active and independent person who suddenly finds herself imprisoned. It also occurs especially in the case of unplanned pregnancies, for not having taken enough care ...

  • Culpability. What have I done to make it go wrong? What have I failed? Any detail may seem to us as the cause of the pregnancy being at risk, but we must try to move away from that unfounded idea that will simply do us more harm and will not make it easier for us to have a mentally healthy pregnancy. Guilt can also come from the fact that rest prevents women from performing their work or family obligations, that they cannot take care of older children as they would like ... In this case the help of the couple and the family is essential to reduce That harmful feeling of guilt.

  • Boredom. Another of the consequences that a risky pregnancy can leave in the case of having to rest is boredom, forced idleness to which the woman is subjected, which can become desperate. In addition, having nothing to do will fill your mind with other feelings such as anxiety or guilt, so you have to try, as far as possible, drive away boredom. What do you like to do and does your new state allow it? Watching movies, listening to music, reading, writing, hobbies, crafts, knitting, chatting with friends ...

  • Another way of anxiety and very frequent pressure in risk pregnancies occurs in the family and financial sphere. The situation with the couple may not be going through its best moment and often there is no space for communication and intimacy, areas that should be tried to recover (as much as possible). The possible economic problems when not being able to work, see reduced salary or the high expenses derived from this situation suppose a burden that also affects the life of the couple.

In short, these are common feelings about a risky pregnancy. The key in that they do not affect us so that we fall into a depression is to know that they are habitual (and passengers!) To accept them, to share them and in the case that they affected us so much that we had ideas harmful to our health or that of the baby, to consult it With the doctor for help.

Of course, at this point (as in so many others) it is essential to support the pregnant woman's immediate environment and not let the signs of the woman falling into a complicated loop in which these feelings are no longer "normal" to be dangerous and constitute a risk in themselves.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | What happens if I don't give birth? Do you have to rest in bed to avoid risks in your pregnancy? The remedy could be worse than the disease, Five fears you will have during pregnancy

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