Fed up with the extra work of children, parents' associations call for a school's homework strike

If the last course were the French parents, this new course is Spanish parents are called to the "homework strike" of the school. Yes, those who bring children every afternoon home after their school day.

CEAPA, the Spanish Confederation of Student Parent Associations, has called for action or rather inaction during the month of November. Mothers and fathers are fed up with their children's extra work and have taken action.

Almost half of the fathers and mothers who take their children to the Spanish public school consider that homework outside school hours is negatively affecting the life of the family.

That is why from CEAPA they have called fathers and mothers to openly show this discomfort in their children's centers requesting that teachers do not send homework to children during the weekend during the month of November.

Obviously it is a request that teachers can refuse, if this happens, families would deliver a document on Mondays explaining the reason why their children go to class without having done their homework. teacher.

Excess “overtime”

The "extra hours" The work that Spanish children have to devote to their homework every day seems to be neither as beneficial nor as necessary in the opinion of international organizations that have also spoken out against them in these weeks, but still they are sending tasks, chips, problems for children to do after school.

The intention of CEAPA with this measure is raise awareness among teachers and eliminate tasks completely and not only on weekends because they limit and condition family life, because they are an element that affects families with less resources more negatively, because they involve an excess effort for the child and because it eliminates free time, leisure and rest of the child and even the family.

Parents this November are called to support the right of their children to have free time after school, right not to be tied to the chair to do homework, right not to be sentenced to more work when they have already finished his "workday" at school.