Why plastic bags are a danger to children?

Sometimes the danger is where we least imagine, there is no need for bare plugs or unattended fires so that there is a clear risk to our children. Plastic bags are a danger for childrenThat is why, although they are quite common in our daily lives, you should never leave them within your reach.

Shopping bags, diaper bags, food bags, toy wrappings ... can be a problem and from time to time news of unfortunate child accidents arise due to an oversight for this reason.

Fine plastic bags are especially dangerous because they can adhere to the child's face, which when they are babies remain immobilized, without being able to remove it and causes suffocation. Diaper, dry cleaning, garbage bags, toy and food wrappings ... can block the nose and mouth of young children.

For example, in March 2013, a 7-month-old boy was found lifeless in the United Kingdom for suffocating with the diaper bag, which was near his crib. In this country there have been 14 deaths related to these types of bags in the last ten years. In the United States there are about 25 deaths of children suffocated by asphyxiation with plastic bags. Almost 90% of these deaths are from children under one year of age.

Use plastic bags safely

The Ministry of Health establishes the following recommendations on what we have to consider when buying plastic bags or before using them:

  • Verify the European Directive EN 71-1: 2011 which includes the stipulated conditions for flexible plastic sheets, toy bags and packaging in clause 6 packaging and packaging, Safety of toys. Part 1: Mechanical and physical properties.

  • Store plastic bags in a safe place out of the reach of children or throw them away immediately.

  • Use cloth or paper bags to protect children and care for the environment.

  • Do not allow children to play with plastic bags. 

  • Do not use a plastic cover to cover the mattress.

  • Not have any plastic bag near the place where the child sleeps.

Recall that accidents or childhood injuries can be prevented and that in the case of plastic bags, which are a danger to children, what we can do is always pick them up and remove them from the reach of the little ones and, in passing, do a favor to the environment and reduce their use.

Video: How Plastic Hurts the World (July 2024).