Why do children get sick more in winter?

Winter is coming and cold, and many parents wonder if we must take precautions against the flu , which seems to be much more active during winter, or if really we can do something so that the kids don't get built. But why are there more constipated in winter? What does that have to do with viruses and cold? What can we do to avoid getting sick with the arrival of winter?

Why do we constipate more in winter?

Since it is a proven fact that kids tend to catch more cold in winter that in summer and, that the cold we breathe is usually a deeply rooted factor in popular culture as a cause of colds, we ask Alberto Mangas Moro, a pulmonologist resident at La Paz Hospital to explain what causes our kids to build up.

"There are several factors that encourage more viruses in the air. On the one hand there is the same cold , which is the perfect breeding ground for certain viruses known and involved in influenza and catarrhal processes ... Viruses reproduce faster at low temperatures, and at more viruses, more sick people ".

Under this premise, the logical alternative is to shelter ourselves a lot, avoid the street and stay in rooms. There might even be someone who thinks it is a good idea to keep a constant and warm temperature at home throughout the day, without ventilating.

"Do not ventilate and open the windows"Mangas continues"it's a mistake. As we are warm and at ease we tend to leave the windows closed, and yet there are those who continue to get sick. It's what we call " overcrowding ": several people together in a small and poorly ventilated space. A constipated person who speaks to you on the street, because you are in an open atmosphere, it is unlikely that you will ever hit anything. However, in a room the possibilities rise much"

Regarding the coat, Alberto Mangas confirms something that we do have internalized: To be little warm It helps to get sick, but not because the cold lowers our defenses. The level of defenses is the same, what changes is a slowdown in our body due to low temperatures and an increase in the amount of virus in the atmosphere.

"A person who goes out into the street in a short sleeve does not have his defenses low, but his body will work more slowly. You can even suffer a hypothermia principle due to the intense cold, making it easier to get infected because, in addition, there are more viruses swarming. Instead of fighting them, our body is busy warming up. Hence we get sick more."

And viruses are helped by the fact that more people are infected, becoming a more propagation vector (another emitter of the virus). Given all this, Can anything be done against viruses? Because they seem to have everything well planned.

What can we do to avoid getting sick?

"On the one hand" Alberto Mangas tells us " be healthy. Eat well, play sports, lead a healthy life in general and taking care of us day by day. We will have more natural defenses against external agents (whether viral or not) ".

It is quite easy to visualize how a person with low defenses due to some type of illness or nutritional deficiency, as well as those of age, will be more likely to get sick. What about those people with diminished health or those who enter the so-called risk groups?

"In addition to applying the same rule above about taking care of yourself: warm up and take care of personal hygiene . A healthy middle-aged person is less likely to get constipated if it is sheltered a week after winter enters than a child of growing age. "

Handwashing With soap after going through the toilet or before a meal you can avoid many infections. But in the cold sometimes little ones get lazy even go to the shower. Turning hygiene into a game can prevent the spread of viruses and other pathogens.

"As a general rule, something as simple as aerate the house fifteen minutes or even half an hour It can help us a lot. We get up, open the window wide leaving the bed unmade and go to the shower, which we must take care to leave very dry and without moisture. Then, we should also ventilate the bathroom to avoid other types of microorganisms".

With the lack of ventilation in winter due to the cold, the appearance of other microorganisms is encouraged, such as fungi or bacteria in the bathroom and kitchen. To an increase in ventilation in the morning should follow thorough cleaning with products that eliminate bacteria, fungi and viruses as a 2in1 star with bleach and detergent.

In addition to trying to ensure that the sick person does not spread the virus here and there, it is advisable to disinfect those objects that come into contact with it, such as the tap or the doorknobs.

This same cleaning should be carried out not only in the home, but in the spaces that many people share, especially the classrooms where our little ones spend the whole day (and where there should also be a morning ventilation). A good practice by schools is to organize the first half hour of the day to air the classroom. In both centers and at home, keeping toys disinfected is also a good habit in that regard.

What if my little one is already sick?

"The first thing, always, is to speak with a specialist and keep the little one clothed and well fed " says Alberto Mangas "It is how you will better fight the infection, helped by adequate rest. The virus has been able to come from the environment, from another child, from your family, low defenses ... there are many factors, although respiratory infection is common ... ".

Much of the contagion arises from spending time sharing a room with someone sick. He put on a mask or handkerchief (The neck panties are very useful and comfortable) will help stop the infection whether we are healthy and want to protect ourselves as if we want to protect the people around us from our cold.

"... especially when we talk. When we speak we cannot avoid breathing through the mouth, and that gives direct access to viruses and cold air to our upper respiratory system (the upper part of the lungs). Breathing through the nose is a good habit., since the air will get warmer to the lungs, and part of the virus will have been trapped in the mucosa."

Finally, keep in mind that most cases are resolved with go to the specialist and save time in bed , since our body has the tools to fight against such infections. But you need the appropriate conditions, such as a good coat, properly disinfected bedding with products such as Neutrex with bleach and, medicines prescribed by a doctor.

Taking care of our environment and disinfecting it frequently will help, first, so that our children do not fall ill, and secondly, that their defenses are not compromised in case they get sick.

Images | iStock / AndreyPopov, iStock / JackF, iStock / Photo_Concepts, iStock / sUs_angel, iStock / Rodofranz

Video: Do We Actually Get Sick More in Winter? (July 2024).