Pope authorizes priests to absolve the "sin of abortion"

Pope Francis has just announced, through the apostolic letter "Misericordia et misera", that authorizes absolution, from now on, to "those who have sought the sin of abortion".

He had already announced that the sin of abortion could be forgiven and after granting the grace temporarily during the Jubilee of Mercy (inaugurated on December 8, 2015 and closed last Sunday), today he announced it indefinitely.

According to Catholic doctrine, abortion is a serious sin that involves excommunication and that a priest could only acquit after a bishop or the pontiff himself authorized, but now gives priests the power to absolve sin for all women who come to them repentant and for the purpose of amendment.

A painful scar

It is very important news for many Christian women who have gone through the bitter trance of an abortion. Women who have lived an internal struggle between their religious beliefs and their decisions and that now they will feel peace recognizing themselves forgiven.

"Many of them carry a scar in their hearts because of that painful and painful choice," said the Pontiff.

"So that no obstacle gets between the request for reconciliation and God's forgiveness, from now on I grant to all priests, because of their ministry, the power to absolve those who have sought the sin of abortion. How much had I granted? in a limited way for the jubilee period, I extend it now in time, notwithstanding anything to the contrary. "

Abortion was, is and will continue to be a sin for the Catholic church. The Pope emphasizes with all his strength that "Abortion is a serious sin, because it ends an innocent human life".

But he adds that "with the same force" he can affirm that "there is no sin that the mercy of God cannot reach and destroy, where he finds a repentant heart that asks to be reconciled with the Father."

And he adds that "to anyone who has sincerely repented", not only of abortion, but of any sin, however serious it may be, "is prevented from experiencing the liberating force of forgiveness."

A closer church

With this decision the Pope once again highlights his close and conciliatory attitude by allowing priests, closer to the faithful, to fulfill this function. Some time ago we have known that it encourages a woman to breastfeed in public as the natural act she is, and a time later she did it again, in addition to praying for those who cannot.

He also talked about parenting On numerous occasions. One of them defended responsible parenthood, as well as recommending parents "waste time" with their children. "It's one of the most important things they can do every day," he said.

Video: Pope Francis authorizes all Catholic priests to forgive abortion (July 2024).