Couples with obesity may need more than twice the time to achieve pregnancy

It is well known to have a healthy weight before, during and after pregnancy is best for both the mother and the baby, and obesity makes fertility difficult. But the case of men is less talked about and also in them it is important to maintain adequate body weight in this regard. In fact, if both components of the couple are obese, they may need more than twice the time to achieve pregnancy regarding a couple with a weight within healthy limits.

It was already known that obesity in men also hinders fertility. Overweight has been clearly linked to poor sperm production, so men should try to have adequate body weight. A new study has determined that, in the case of obese couples, difficulties in conceiving increase up to 59%.

These are data from a research carried out by specialists from the National Institutes of Health of the United States (NIH) whose results, published in the journal "Human Reprodution", show that, while most studies on infertility and obesity have been Focused on women, it is necessary to include both members of the couple and emphasize that good health is essential for both.

To carry out the study, the authors analyzed data from 501 adult couples who had taken part in the Longitudinal Fertility and Environment Research Study (LIFE Study), developed between 2005 and 2009. Three groups were made with the participants : normal weight, type 1 obesity and type 2 obesity.

The results indicate that excess body weight associated with a longer time to achieve pregnancy. Compared to those couples in which their members were non-obese, couples in the type 2 obese group required up to 55% more time to achieve conception.

If others added to it infertility risk factors such as smoking, sedentary lifestyle or high cholesterol levels, the period until a baby was conceived in couples whose members were in the group of obese type II turned out to be 59%.

These results had already been proven in couples undergoing fertility treatment, but in this case we have confirmation that the same thing happens when trying to achieve pregnancy naturally.

It should be remembered that, in the case of man, eating a poor diet, a poorly balanced diet, is related to a lower production of sperm (lack of antioxidants and folates ...). In addition, the father's diet before conceiving is also important to avoid defects in the baby.

Regarding women, an adequate weight before pregnancy is also important, surely conception is achieved before there are no other problems. Therefore, it is convenient to make a preconception visit to the gynecologist, he will recommend the best way to prepare the body to conceive. And if you are overweight once pregnant, here are the tips to cope with pregnancy more healthily.

But remember, it's not just up to you to have a baby soon. Man also has to take care of himself and maintain an adequate body weight, since couples with obesity can take up to twice the time to achieve pregnancy. And this without having many other risks of excess weight for health, so it is time to get fit and attack the epidemic of the 21st century.