A treatment will allow women cancer survivors to conceive naturally

One of the side effects of women receiving chemotherapies is the damage that this type of treatment can cause to the ovules. Some lose the possibility of conceiving children, so they must resort to other options such as adoption or subrogation.

But now, a doctor is planning to publicize a treatment that allows women cancer survivors, whose ovules suffered damage, get pregnant naturally.

We had previously commented that there are various treatments for women cancer survivors to have children. One of them is the ovarian tissue freezing, in which they freeze a part of it before chemotherapies, to be reimplanted once it is cancer free.

This technique has worked well and there have been successful cases, however, for a woman to have children it was necessary that she undergo in vitro fertilization or egg donation. Now with this treatment, women can conceive naturally, that is, without resorting to assisted reproduction.

Dr. George Kofinas presented a plan to the New York State Department of Health to open a reproductive surgery center that specializes in harvesting and transplanting ovarian tissue.

According to him, the procedure begins by removing ovarian tissue containing ovules and freezing them before chemotherapies. Once the treatment is finished and making sure the patient is cancer free, the tissue is reimplanted again. Its reproductive function will be restored and then she can conceive naturally, without having to resort to in vitro fertilization.

But this treatment, although it sounds novel, is not something that has never been done before. In an interview for the New York Post, Sherman Silber, a Missousi doctor working in an infertility center comments that This is a treatment that they perform frequently and that 75% of pregnancies that have been performed using this procedure have been successful births. "This treatment has not become more popular in the United States because it is not a money maker, such as in vitro fertilization."he said.

Hopefully this treatment will soon be available in more cities and countries, because although there are several options to have children after undergoing chemotherapy, fertility treatments are often very expensive.

Video: Cancer Treatments and a Woman's Fertility (July 2024).