Seven things that excite you when you are a mother and there are no words to explain them

When we become mothers, our world turns upside down. Routines change, our body seems strange and unknown, sometimes we lose friends and our way of seeing the world becomes different.

And not to mention feelings. The things that before seemed unimportant or irrelevant, suddenly wake up in us sensations that we never imagined before. And is that when you are a mother, there are new things that excite you and that there are no words to explain them.

See a pregnant woman

When you see a friend or even a stranger in the street, you remember your own pregnancy and all those feelings you lived during it: the kicks, their movements and the excitement of knowing that a life was brewing within you.

Watch certain movies

With the arrival of children, our perspective of things changes. What did not provoke us before, now affects us at an emotional level that we did not know. Watching a movie that shows us the relationship between parents and children can lead us to tears because of the fact feel identified with the emotions and experiences of the characters.

See other children play

I think that many mothers will agree with me when I say that our greatest happiness is to see our children enjoying a good time. When we are mothers and we see other children playing in the park or in our children's school, we feel happy because it reminds us of the joy of ours.

When a child hugs you

There are certain things that our children do and that make us overflow with tenderness: when they smile at us, when they talk to us, when they kiss us, and one of my favorites: when they hug you.

When my daughter hugs me I feel my body fill with peace and joy. It is a sensation that is impossible to describe but that recharges you of energy at an emotional level that you did not know. And although perhaps it does not happen to me in the same amount when other children do it, to feel the embrace of a little boy, is one of the most beautiful sensations that you live when you are a mother, because you know that he does it simply because he is born, he needs it and Because he trusts you.

Look at the memories of when they were younger

If you want to flood yourself with a sea of ​​emotions, this is undoubtedly one of the things that surely causes it. Go back to see her clothes a few years ago, the stuffed animal she loved sleeping with or the first tooth she dropped, they are things that fill us with nostalgia.

On the one hand, it reminds us of how fast life goes by and somehow makes us long for those days when they were smaller. But also they teach us to value the time we spend with them, and make us proud of how much our children have advanced, grown and learned.

Your son's first times in everything

Well, of this I can tell you. The first times of anything about our children we are very excited. And contemplating something new in the front row is a beautiful experience.

His first smile, when he says his first word, the first time he says mom (and that makes us want to cry and eat them with kisses), the first time they say "I love you", when they feel proud of having done something for themselves. They are simply moments when we feel immeasurable joy and deep love for them.

When they give you a gift

Before being a mother, when a child lent or gave you something, the safest thing is to think "how cute" and even there. When we are mothers, these gifts acquire another importance and have a greater weight than before because we know they do it with their precious innocence.

Small details, such as a flower or a drawing, acquire an enormous sentimental value, because it is not only the fact that they have given you something because they thought of you, but that every time we see it, it reminds us of that beautiful feeling that we live when We received.

Definitely being a mother changes the perspectives of many things in life. But this is one of my favorites, because you learn to see life in a new way and you give a different value to things that were previously indifferent to you. It is as if you discover the world again for the first time.

What things excite you now that you are already a mother?

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