11 simple books to enjoy reading with children this summer

Summer is just around the corner, and children can enjoy almost three months full of games and endless activities. The reading is also perfect for the summer season, and whether they already know how to read by themselves or if they have not yet learned, Books should not be missing in the suitcase this holiday.

We propose a list of simple and fun titles To enjoy this summer. Though children's books don't know age -Why any child can enjoy reading based on their concerns and knowledge-, these stories that we propose are specially designed for children between three and six years.

Parents can help our children love reading, reading them from very small stories adapted to their age or buying those that arouse their interest and curiosity.

There are children who have finished this course learning to read and others who have perfected the technique during this year, so parents should encourage them to discover new and fascinating adventures through books, while encouraging their reading skills.

Summer is an ideal time to read because you enjoy a lot of free time and family reading is an enriching hobby and perfect for everyone

We propose a series of titles that we have selected for enjoy reading this summer. All are simple books, with striking illustrations and easy text, which we can read with our children. Fun, fantasy and adventures guaranteed!

Books for small readers and to enjoy with the family

  • "Pomelo travels" (Author, Ramona Bâdescu and Benjamín Chaud): The little elephant Pomelo has taken the world by montera and gone on a trip. Starting from the kitchen and going through the top of the cake or the apple crate, Pomelo will discover a new world. This story is ideal to encourage curiosity and the desire to learn from the little ones. Editorial Kókinos. Price 11.40 euros
  • "Dad, you're great!" (Author Myriam Sayalero and Marisa Morea): Dad organizes for Blanca and Leo a fantastic adventure, which although it does not go as expected, will be hilarious and will help children to learn to recognize the merit of their father who knows how to take advantage of All the unexpected. This story explains an original story, casual and full of humor, which shows that perhaps parents are not perfect, but ... they are great! Beascoa editorial. Price 13.25 euros
  • "More than pets" (Author, Raquel Gu): This is a full-color illustrated book in which the most common emotions and feelings experienced by children are interpreted with humor, inventing a pet for each of these feelings. These imaginary characters will help small readers identify their emotions. Among others we have the pet of sadness, that of calm, the pet shame or the pet fortachona. Editorial San Pablo. Price 11.40 euros
  • "The story of the little liron that could not wake up" (Author Kerstin Schoene and Sabine Bohlmann): With the arrival of spring all animals wake up and leave their burrows. All except the little lilón that had a hard time falling asleep, which now cannot wake up. His friends will invent a thousand and one remedies to wake him up, what they don't know yet is that there is a little trick for this sleeper to open his eyes. Editorial Kókinos. Price 11.87 euros: //www.amazon.es/dp/8416126844%2Fref%3Dsr_1_1%3Fs%3Dbooks%26ie%3DUTF8%26qid%3D1497290366%26sr%3D1-1%26keywords%3Dla%2Bhistoria%2Bdel%2Bpeque% 25C3% 25B1o% 2Blir% 25C3% 25B3n% 2Bque% 2Bno% 2Bpod% 25C3% 25ADa% 2B
  • "Captain Hugo and the pirates" (Author Peter Bently and Helen Oxenbury): Hugo, Iván and Marcos are three children who turn a beach day with the family into a fun-filled pirate adventure. It all starts when three sailors of the good and the best, build a beautiful galleon in front of the sea… Editorial Juventud S.A. Price 13.30 euros
  • "Giraffes can't dance" (Author, Giles Andreae. Illustration, Guy Parker Rees): Every year in Africa, the Jungle Dance is celebrated ... and animals love to dance and do pirouettes! Chufa wants to participate in that famous Dance, but as everyone knows, giraffes can't dance! Or if… ? A tender and funny story in a fabulous drop-down album. Illustrations and displays make it very attractive for young children, but the text is perfect for children who have just begun in the world of reading. Bruño Publishing House. Price 17.95 euros
  • "The colorful monster" (Author and illustration, Anna Llenas): The Color Monster doesn't know what's wrong with him. He has made a mess with emotions and now it is his turn to undo the mess. A simple and fun story that will introduce young and old in the fascinating language of emotions. Editorial Flamboyant. Price 15.20 euros
  • "The yellow bird" (Author and Illustration, Olga de Dios): It is a story about the value of sharing. It invites us to take care of the planet in which we live and to free our ideas for the common good. Editorial Apila. Price 13.30 euros
  • "The world champion of staying awake" (Author, Sean Taylor. Enlightenment, Jimmy Liao): It's time for Stella to go to bed, but how can she do it without going to bed before the little pink pig, the mouse Ampere and Rag toad. "I'm the world champion of staying wake up! "says the little pig Rosa, jumping on the bed. Fortunately, Stella always finds a way to achieve, in a very ingenious way, that they fall asleep: the pillow becomes a ship, the shoe box in a train and the toy basket in a balloon. Editorial Tales Barbara Fiore. Price 14.25 euros
  • "The strike of the chickens" (Author, Pilar Serrano Burgos. Illustration, Mar Ferrero): The Baldomero and Baltasara chickens are famous for the wonderful eggs they lay. But with so little space in the chicken coop, that starts to change. The chickens do not take long to rebel and decide not to lay a single egg anymore. With the tortilla contest around the corner, the two farmers will have to do something if they want to win it again. La Fragatina editions. Price 13.77 euros
  • "Mimi loves to imitate" (Author, Yih-Fen Chou. Illustration, Chih-Yuan Chen): Lately, Mimi loves doing the same things that older people do. When mom is in the kitchen and throws the remains in the trash, daddy !, Mimi does the same with her toys. If mom paints her lips with red carmine, oops, oops, oops, Mimi's face after trying to do the same! And if Dad plays the trumpet, there goes Mimi to interpret his own composition! But sometimes, it is the elders who imitate the little ones: Mimi gives Mom a big kiss, who has come to look for her, and the grandmother does the same with grandfather! Picarona editorial. Price 8.50 euros.

The colorful monster (Tales (flamboyant))

Today in Amazon for € 15.20

Dad, you are ... great! (I BEGIN TO READ)

Today in amazon for € 13.24

Mimi Loves To Imitate (PICARONA)

Today in Amazon for € 8.50

The Strike Of The Hens (Lo mullarero)

Today in Amazon for € 13.77

Yellow Bird (Pink Monster)

Today in Amazon for € 13.30

Giraffes cannot dance (Spanish - From 6 Years - Manipulatives (Books to Play and Play), Pop-Ups - Pop-Ups)

Today in amazon for € 38

Captain Hugo and the Pirates (Illustrated Albums)

Today in Amazon for € 13.30

The story of the little liron that could not wake up

Today in Amazon for € 11.87

More than pets. Parade of emotions (NB SINGULAR VOLUMES)

Today in Amazon for € 11.40

Pomelo travels (Pomelo (kokinos))

Today in Amazon for € 11.40

Video: How To Make YOUR Child Smart-Genius Kids2-7 Year Olds Proof-Phonics Reading To Raise A Smarter Kid (July 2024).