A police officer nurses a baby whose mother refused to care

When we became mothers, the pain and crying of other babies -although they are not ours- it removes us from the inside and we wish we could do something to calm them down. This is what a police officer in Argentina should have felt, whose story has gone viral.

The officer decided to breastfeed a baby who was crying inconsolably and whose mother refused to care. It was his own colleagues at the police station who photographed the moment and uploaded it to his Twitter account.

The baby had not been fed for six hours

According to the Clarin newspaper, the events occurred on Saturday last week at 11 pm, at a police station in Esquel, a city in Argentina. The police officer Monica Quijón attended a couple formed by a man and his sister who came with a baby in his arms.

The man told the police that his wife, and baby motherhad refused to pick up the girl at the agreed time and how she was only breastfeeding, I had not eaten for six hours.

The baby was crying inconsolably and the police officer, mother of another 11-month-old infant, did not think twice and put the baby to her chest at everyone's astonished gaze.

“Upon hearing that the girl cried more and more, I understood that the baby was hungry and her father could not calm her. As I am the mother of an 11-month-old baby, I understand the situation, which moved and shook me. Being my nursing baby is that I quickly offer to breastfeed the baby ”- says Mónica in her report.

It was the police officer's own companions who captured the images of this moment and posted it on his Twitter account:

#Esquel Cria.2a: A Police Officer nursed a 3-month-old baby who was crying disconsolate and managed to calm her down. His mother did not show up. pic.twitter.com/BGQnV8adG9

- Police Department (@JefPolicia) June 15, 2017

#Esquel Cria.2a: The relatives of the girl attacked the initiative of the Officer. After 6 hours, the baby fed and managed to rest. pic.twitter.com/kPDqNWbHvw

- Police Department (@JefPolicia) June 15, 2017

#Esquel Cria.2a: She is the Assistant Officer Monica Quijón who is the mother of an 11-month-old baby. He decided to act that way and the baby fell asleep. pic.twitter.com/OnHz1QNFWa

- Police Department (@JefPolicia) June 15, 2017

As the report indicates, the baby was sucking two hours until she fell asleep. The officer, Monica Quijón, told her superiors that hearing the baby cry excited him a lot and that, as a mother, I couldn't leave her like that.

It is not the first time that these types of stories come to us. Recently we learned the story of a Jewish nurse who breastfed a Palestinian baby, and that of a mother who fed the baby of a hospitalized woman.

Beautiful gestures that move and move and in which the maternal instinct is the main protagonist
  • Via Clarín newspaper
  • In Babies and More A Jewish nurse breastfeeds a Palestinian baby whose mother was injured in an accident, A mother fed the baby from a hospitalized stranger

Video: More adopted parents choosing to breastfeed babies (July 2024).