A father warns about the use of spinners after his son ends up in the emergency room

Probably by now everyone knows, has or has used one of the most famous toys of the moment: the spinners. Although they were originally thought of as an object that will help promote concentration in children or as anti-stress, the truth is that spinners are the sensation of the moment.

However, it is important that like the use of any toy or object by our children, we are attentive, if not supervising at least the slope. Today a father alerts others, after his son suffered an accident when using a spinner and that caused him to be taken to emergencies.

It is not the first accident related to a spinner

Just a month ago Armando told us about the case of a ten-year-old girl who had suffocated with one of the pieces of a spinner. It turns out that some parts of the spinner can fall easily and this caused the little girl to suffocate while riding in the car with her mother. In the end they had to be removed by endoscopy and under sedation.

Just this weekend I went to an aesthetic and there was a child of about a year and a half playing with a spinner. I watched him repeatedly fall on the floor, fly a piece and put it back to continue playing. In the end, the mother took it from her, but not so much because she could suffocate, but because she constantly fell because she was so small and "was going to break it."

As with any toy with small parts, manufacturers give a warning and indicate that it is not for children under three, but many times parents ignore that thinking that their child is old enough to understand how it works, without stopping to think that the warning is really because of the risk of suffocation.

The most recent case: improper use

A father reports in a post on his Facebook account about his son's accident while using a spinner. According to the father's message the problem occurred when he started using compressed air to make it spin faster.

The spinner exploded and hit him in the face, just between the lip and the nose, so the boy had to be taken immediately to the emergency room and receive 30 stitches.

At first when I read the news it seemed that the boy was playing alone with the spinner, but when reading the text with which the father accompanied the photos, he mentions that they were playing together and it was he who held the spinner and the air compressor when it exploded and shot towards the child's face:

I know this post will not be easy for some to see but I feel it necessary. This was caused by playing with a spinner and compressed air (air compressor) directed towards it. I was holding both when it happened. We had been playing for a while when suddenly the spinner's plastic exploded. Now we are in emergencies waiting to be sutured. I am sharing this so that no one else has this stupid idea I had. We were lucky that it didn't hit your eyes. It could have been much worse.

The father admits that the idea was his and not the child's, so he really the reason was not the use of the spinner itself, but the improper use that was given.

Let's follow the manufacturer's instructions

It is very important that as parents We always teach our children to use things the way manufacturers recommend. The father's mistake was to want to spin the spinner as quickly as possible without thinking about the consequences, although it has been clarified in many ways what the real objective of this device is.

There is a reason why most of the objects we buy come with a manual or a specification sheet, indications and warnings, and it is precisely ensure good use and prevent accidents.

Although "everyone" now has this or another toy, it does not mean that we should trust that they are 100% safe. We must always supervise our children and be alert, because accidents occur in a matter of seconds.

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