Don't complicate yourself with your baby's gifts: create a birth list on Amazon

When your baby is born, family and friends want to celebrate their arrival by giving gifts. Gifts that come in handy, but that don't always correspond to what you need or like. So you don't get complicated, Amazon offers you the possibility to create a birth list with the items you choose for your baby.

It works like a wedding list, but for another time in your life. To create it, Amazon suggests recommended lists, or you can make your own list by configuring it with the products that most interest you for your baby. And of course, you can also share it with family, friends and acquaintances so that they know your wishes.

It is a most practical solution for recent parents, who can have everything controlled in one place, as well as for the people who give away, who can know your wishes in advance.

In Babies and more, it's on its way! What to buy for your baby's arrival

Remember that a newborn needs a few things during the first year (some essential and others not so much) and it is important to choose them with a head. From the hospital basket, stroller, cot, car seat, clothes, high chair, hammocks, toiletries and toiletries, baby carrier, toys ...

If you are expecting a baby or have just been parents, you can create a birth list here on Amazon with everything you want for your baby.