They fell in love at the nursery and he asked her to marry him more than twenty years later in the preschool classroom where they met

The love story of Laura Scheel and Matt Grodsky did not begin, as usual, during youth or adolescence and the stage where they met was not a party or a bar. His love story began in kindergarten.

Is it possible for two three-year-old children to fall in love and end up getting married more than twenty years later? Everything is possible for Laura and Matt and her story has been so tender to us that we wanted to echo her.

A love that began in the earliest childhood

"Laura and I met at the nursery. I remember that With only 3 years I was telling everyone that one day I would marry her"- Matt explained in the Instagram profile TheWayWeMet.

A shared publication of The Way We Met (@thewaywemet) on Jun 19, 2017 at 4:42 p.m. PDT

"We have many memories of that stage together: we played on the swings, we drew, we had lunch together, we played hide and seek, we chased each other at recess, we took a nap together ... I fell in love with Laura as a child and I'm still in love with her today. Upon entering Primary we lost contact but through our families we continued seeing each other at Christmas. In High School we met again by chance through a mutual friend and we became engaged. Neither studying in separate schools nor the fact of going to universities in different states separated us. On May 23, 2015 I decided to remain faithful to the promise I made at the nursery and asked Laura to marry me. And I did it in the place where it all started ... in our preschool classroom "

The photographer, Molly McElenney explained on her Facebook page:

"I've been waiting for this session all year. Laura and Matt met at the nursery and have some lovely pictures of when they were little. They started dating in High School and now they are getting married, and we did the photo shoot at their nursery . Can there be something more beautiful!?! 😍 "

Photograph by Molly McElenny Photograph by Molly McElenney
  • Molly McElenney Photography Pictures
  • Via Parents
  • In Babies and More Can they fall in love with 4 years? The first love in children