Did you know that your mobile phone can help you train your pelvic floor? We show you four latest generation devices

All those of us who have been mothers have been reminded, sure, both in pregnancy and in postpartum the importance of working our pelvic floor. Those known as Kegel exercises can be performed without the need for any device, but today the new technologies They are put at our service so that having the pelvic floor toned becomes easier and easier ... and even entertaining.

Traditionally Kegel exercises have been performed with the simple contraction and relaxation of the muscles in the area, following specific guidelines and amounts. What was happening? That many of us forget how many we have, what it plays now ... Other women are not sure if they are doing the exercise well or not, or if the muscles they contract are correct.

For these cases, and for cases where an "extra" tone was necessary, the cones and those known as Chinese balls were recommended:

  • Cones: They are a kind of "tampons" in which weights are introduced, from less to more weight, to make Kegel exercises more powerful and achieve greater muscle tone.

  • Chinese balls: Many women use the typical balls that we can find in erotic shops. What are they for in this case? In the first place to be more aware of the muscles that must be contracted, and on the other, because according to some authors the vibration produced by the ball that they carry inside favors a better muscle tone.

In recent years, several brands have launched balls of this type but designed not so much for "pleasure" as to perform Kegel exercises. We have the example of Lelo's Moon Beads or the Intimina Laselle exercisers.

But if you are a lover of new technologies or prefer to see, in an obvious way, your progress or the "live" exercise table, you are in luck: today we have a few gadgets that if in addition to fulfilling their function they are even entertaining

1. KegelSmart from Intimina

  • How does it work? In each training the KegelSmart, by means of tactile sensors, recognizes your muscular tone to adapt the exercise routine that best suits you. It includes, of course, several "tables" of exercises to gradually strengthen your muscles. Once the device is running, through gentle vibrations, it tells you when to squeeze and when it is time to relax, so that it leaves no room for doubts or misses.

The complete routine does not take more than five minutes (yes, it is recommended that they be daily and constantly, at least until reaching a good muscle tone, then you can space the sessions at three per week according to the manufacturer).

  • Price: Between 60 and 100 euros (Yes, it depends a lot on the store or pharmacy where you look).

2. Luna Smart Bead by Leelo

  • How does it work? After turning it on, it is introduced as if it were a tampon and through soft vibrations it indicates when we should contract the muscles and when to relax them. The Luna Smart Bead has tactile sensors to customize exercise routines and that are fully adapted to our needs and with a system that programs training progressively over time to achieve precise muscle tone.

  • Price: 119 euros

3. Elvie

  • How does it work? This pelvic floor trainer not only tells you when and how much to squeeze or relax, he also does it through an app that you can see directly on your mobile. Through Bluetooth and a free application you can see, in direct live, your progress, what you play next, how much more you have to contract the muscles ...

It works with a battery that is recharged from a box in which the device comes, where we store it between uses, by USB cable.

The material that covers it is absolutely soft and hygienic, antiallergic, and easy to clean. The pack also includes an "extra cover".

The application is quite intuitive and it is not complicated to follow the steps. In it we can check our progress, see our exercises live, etc. All the aesthetics, both of the exerciser itself and the app are quite careful.

  • Price: Around 199 euros.

4. KGoal

  • How does it work? Similar in performance to Elvie, this pelvic floor trainer has an "extra": it is able to adapt its size, that is, it becomes larger or smaller depending on the needs of the user. According to its manufacturer, it is especially designed for women who have just had a vaginal birth and who have a greater weakness in the pelvic floor.

Like the previous model, the KGoal has an application from which we can see and control both our exercises and total progress.

  • Price: Between 160 and 220 euros

Photos: Pixabay.com; Intimine; Lelo; Elvie; KGoal;

In Babies and more: What is pelvic floor prolapse?

Video: Frequently Asked Questions About Incontinence & Pelvic Prolapse (July 2024).