19 beautiful photographs of mothers breastfeeding their babies that convey the beauty and purity of breastfeeding

In Babies and more, breastfeeding is a recurring theme because of the great benefits it has for the baby and the mother, and because it is the best way to feed a baby, without thereby making the mothers who give a bottle feel bad, who of course deserve all the respect in the world. At this point that is a debate more than overcome.

What I want to show you today are beautiful pictures of mothers breastfeeding their babies of the photographer Ivette Ivens, of whom I presented a few days ago her series 'Generations' of grandparents and grandchildren. Honestly, in my opinion, they are the prettiest photos I've seen of breastfeeding by the sweetness they convey, the warmth of the looks and that halo of tranquility that projects each of the images. And although breastfeeding is not always a path of roses, it is also nice to highlight those beautiful moments that it gives us.

Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens

The photographic series pays special attention to prolonged breastfeeding, that of children who already walk and continue to benefit from their mothers' milk. Recall that WHO recommends breastfeeding up to two years and that the natural age of weaning is situated between two and a half years and six years.

Photographer Ivette Ivens is the mother of two children, a breastfeeding advocate and confesses that she breastfed her eldest son until she was three years old. Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens "Children know when it's time to leave her (breastfeeding). Mothers too. Strangers don't know it, so they shouldn't worry," says the photographer. Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens Ivette Ivens

Photographs | Ivette Ivens Reproduced with permission
In Babies and more | No, prolonged breastfeeding does not carry any risk. Prolonging breastfeeding would save the health system millions of euros