A blogger shares the scar of her ectopic pregnancy, to raise awareness and support other women

When a pregnancy occurs outside the uterus, we are talking about an ectopic or extrauterine pregnancy, and these occur in the fallopian tubes in 98% of cases. Most of these types of pregnancy are not viable, and gestational loss occurs within the first trimester. Although they are not very common, if they are not detected in time, they could put the mother in serious danger.

It is because of that A blogger has decided to share her testimony, accompanied by photographs showing the scar due to an ectopic pregnancy, and thus create awareness and support other mothers who have gone through the same.

Olive Cooke is a travel blogger who always shares beautiful images of the places she visits and recommends on her Instagram account. However, a few days ago he published a series of very personal photographs, in which Share your experience with an ectopic pregnancy that was not detected in time.

She says that while she was traveling in Mexico She had to undergo emergency surgery, due to a ruptured tube and blood clots caused by an ectopic pregnancy. When she left the surgery she felt alone and fragile, because she thought that nobody could understand what she felt at that moment.

Fortunately, with the support of his family and friends, he managed to get ahead and leave behind that sad and painful experience, overcoming all the fears and fears he felt after what happened. Now, she shares the images of her scar, not only to tell his story, but so that other women who are or have gone through the same, do not feel alone.

It is worth clarifying that not in all cases is scar; The most commonly used surgical intervention to treat ectopic pregnancy is gynecological laparoscopy. It consists of the introduction of a laparoscope through small incisions in the abdominal area.

(You can pass the photos by clicking on the arrow to the right of the image)

A day to celebrate and lift each other up Last year I had an ectopic pregnancy, given half an hour to live I had emergency surgery in Mexico to remove my ruptured fallapian tube and blood clots. Coming out the other side of surgery I felt so alone, that life wouldnt be the same and thought no one would understand how fragile I was feeling. But time and time again with help from my beautiful friends and family I picked myself up, when sometimes I thought it would be easier to collapse in a heap of fear and anxiety. This experience changed my life so much, and for the better, it showed me what I value in life, how much I love myself and those around me. I am still processing what happened and sometimes things are still hard, but now I want to be able to share and help as so many people helped me. To anyone who is going through something similar, know that you have strength, and you are not alone. Lets love and support each other, ourselves and our bodys, scars and all. As I get better at talking and sharing I promise I will do what I can to raise awareness and love in womens health and confidence. Happy International Womans Day #internationalwomensday

After that experience, he learned to see things with different eyes and now, even a year after what happened, he celebrates life and thanks all the people who supported him during those difficult moments.

After its publication, which has more than 24,000 likes on Instagram, dozens of women have shared in their comments their own experiences with ectopic pregnancies and applaud Olive for sharing her story, managing to raise awareness and sending that message of accompaniment to other women.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

It is important to know the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, because if it is not detected in time, it could put a woman's life at risk. Some of these symptoms are:

  • Cramps, especially under the abdomen and on one side. The pain can be aggravated by sneezing, coughing, urinating or making sudden movements.
  • Can be have brown vaginal losses or slight bleeding several days or weeks before the pain.
  • A high percentage of women with ectopic pregnancy suffer nausea and dizziness, although this symptom is difficult to differentiate from morning sickness caused by a normal pregnancy.
  • Some women suffer fainting or weakness. If the tube breaks, rapid and weak pulse and cold and moist skin are also common.
  • Pain in the back side of the back.
  • Some women feel shoulder pain and / or rectal pressure.

If you suspect or present any of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately, and remember to attend regular checkups during your pregnancy to make sure everything goes in order.

Video: Ectopic Pregnancy SCARE! 40th Birthday Week GONE WRONG! (May 2024).