"When I go to see my children play, I don't boo", the words of a basketball coach that should make us reflect

Imagine any Saturday morning in a football or basketball game of a children's league. The stands are full of parents who shout, protest, whistle or get angry with their own children, coaches or the referee because they have not called a foul.

Unfortunately, these scenes are more common than we imagine and are really unfortunate. That's why we loved the Frank Martin's reflection, a basketball coach from a South Carolina team. His words are a real lesson that should make us think.

"When I go to see my children play, I don't boo or shake my arms"

Marc Castillo is a basketball coach at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, ​​and a few days ago he echoed on his Twitter profile a video starring another basketball coach, this time from the United States, who gave us a master lesson on the behavior that parents should have during matches of our children

In the video, Frank talks about basketball but his reflection is extrapolated to other sports like football, for example, which is often at the center of the target for this issue. And it is sure that many of us sound more than one of the scenes described by this coach.

Insults, displacements, instructions to the players from the stands, criticism of the coaches for the decisions made, shouting against the referees and even sometimes against the children themselves. And meanwhile, most kids observe embarrassed the behaviors of their parents.

The sport must be an environment in which values ​​such as mutual respect, pluralism and tolerance are encouraged but not only in the field, but also in the stands, and this is something that unfortunately more than one forgets.

Remember that it is our children who are playing and we must not only set an example with our behavior, but we must respect the work of starters and referees and keep in mind that The players are just kids looking to have fun, play sports, have a good time with their peers and make the best of themselves with sportsmanship and empathy. Please, let's not make the game bitter!

  • Via @Marc Castillo

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