The Dipper XL's hoax: how blue tongue-painting candy affects children's teeth

A few months ago the rumor began to circulate that a candy called Dipper XL, which has become fashionable among teenagers, caused severe damage to children's oral health, seriously damaging the enamel and causing terrible tooth decay.

The alert message came to me through various channels and social networks, and although Vidal, the candy company that markets it, denied it quickly, we wanted to ask Dr. Lola Reboiras, a professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela and a member of the Spanish Society of Oral Medicine (SEMO), about how this and other goodies can affect the oral health of our children.

What is the Dipper XL?

The candy Dipper XL Pintalenguas, is a soft chewy candy flat with an intense acid raspberry flavor. The main feature that sets it apart from its competitors within the soft candy sector is that paint the tongue deep blue.

Since the Vidal candy company launched this product on the market, the Dipper XL has become a sales success among the teenage public, who do not hesitate to upload their photos to social networks with their tongue and teeth stained blue.

The hoax that alarmed the parents

As we commented at the beginning, a few months ago various hoaxes began to circulate about the existence of a health alert that advised not to consume this candy due to the severe damage that an acid present among its ingredients caused to the teeth of children, causing serious decay and destroying the enamel.

The Vidal company quickly denied the messages ensuring that This bauble meets the quality standard, and its ingredients have all sanitary records and authorizations.

Help us spread the message :
There is no health alert.
The ingredients comply with the regulations.
You can contact us to clarify any questions about our products.
More info: //

- Vidal Candies (@Vidal_Golosinas) April 20, 2018

Likewise, the National Police itself was also responsible for denying the bulo through a statement on its Facebook account:

As we can read in the ingredients of this product, the Dipper XL, like many other goodies, It is a candy made with large amounts of sugar, so in this sense the damage it can cause would be similar to any other type of candy.

But the Dipper XL has a particularity, and that is it is a soft and chewy candy, something that according to Dr. Reboiras, a member of the Spanish Society of Oral Medicine, can be especially harmful for teeth and molars:

"The Dentists We have not received any notice about this product. For the moment, therefore, as long as no official agency notifies us otherwise, it is a candy whose main component is sugar, like most sweets "

"We need to keep in mind that Chewy and sticky candies are more harmful for teeth, as is the case with Dipper XL, since its remains remain longer between teeth and teeth and are more difficult to remove even with brushing. So It has more tendency to produce cavities than non-chewable sweets, but without another particular"

"As with all jelly beans with sugar, moderate consumption and subsequent adequate oral hygiene is recommended" - says Dr. Reboiras.

The importance of good tooth brushing

Brushing your teeth correctly and carrying out a series of healthy hygiene and feeding measures and habits are key to preventing oral problems.

Among the recommendations of healthy foods to take care of our teeth (and our overall health) is, logically, avoid the consumption of sugary products, and in this sense we should avoid (or minimize) the consumption of goodies, as well as follow the recommendations of experts to minimize the risk of tooth decay.

Cavities are mainly due to poor oral hygiene. If proper cleaning of the mouth is not carried out, the risk is maximum. That's why you have to try to eliminate all food and beverage remains after eating, especially if we talk about goodies, soft drinks, sugary juices or pastries.

In addition, remember that if the child wears brackets must completely avoid eating sticky foods such as candies, jelly beans, chewing gum or candied fruit, whose remains can also be attached to the device and fold the bows.

Apart from food, among the daily habits should be the correct tooth brushing at least twice a day, since the eruption of the first teeth. While the children are young, the parents will proceed to their oral hygiene but it is important that they soon acquire the habits and knowledge to do it alone.

The toothbrush should have a size and characteristics according to the age of the child, with soft bristles and thick handle for better handling. As for toothpaste, it must also be specific and comply with the amounts of fluoride recommended by experts for each age.

Therefore, and in summary, both the Dipper XL and any other candy or food especially sugary, should be consumed in moderation, and then carry out a correct tooth brushing to eliminate possible remains that may remain between the teeth and teeth.

Acknowledgments | Dr. Lola Reboiras, member of the Spanish Society of Oral Medicine (SEMO), member of the International Team for Implantology (ITI), member of the Spanish Society of Oral Surgery (SECIB)