Bullying victims with four years: bullying at preschool

About 17 percent of children suffer some type of bullying, and it's not just a matter of older children. It is a situation that occurs in children of all ages, cases are recorded from three years to adolescence, the majority between 11 and 13 years.

He preschool bullying, early bullying or harassment at an early age It is uncommon, but it is a situation that can occur. However small they may be, bullying is not a "children's thing" and schools should take strong measures to stop it at the slightest sign of possible bullying towards a classmate.

Bullying since childhood

We just met a case of bullying a four year old boy That has shaken us for several reasons. First, because of the young age of the child, secondly, because the center has done nothing to protect the child despite the insistence of the parents. And finally, because when taken to trial, the Generalitat was only sentenced to pay 3,800 euros in compensation to the student's family.

The events happened between 2013 and 2016, since the child was in preschool (P4) at the Pla de Mar school, in the district of Coma-ruga, in El Vendrell (Baix Penedès) until first grade, that is between four and six years, when he was transferred to another center. The ruling maintains that there is sufficient evidence that the child suffered "continued" harassment.

Parents noticed character changes in their son, who even asked to sign up for self-defense classes. And despite the fact that the family met with the management of the center on several occasions, no forceful measures were applied or the situation was reported to the families of the stalkers.

According to the judge it is "worrying and unusual" that the center "did not activate a protocol of action against a possible bullying of a child despite the insistence of the mother." Not even when he denounced two specific episodes of "violence."

Warning signs of bullying in young children

Perhaps the school authorities did not consider that in such young children there could be a situation of bullying, but at those ages there can already be some particular signs, apart from those that can occur at any age, such as:

  • Refuse to go to school or go on excursions or group activities.
  • He comments that a child bothers him or that "little guy" He is no longer his friend. (Although this is a habitual behavior among young children).
  • They complain of headache or belly pain for no apparent reason.
  • It begins to isolate itself from the group, it departs in a corner, it does not participate.
  • He emits negative opinions about himself: "I'm dumb", "I'm ugly"
  • He becomes introverted and shy.

Little stalkers in preschool

Bullying in young children is not common (most cases occur in older children), however, it can occur at a young age. It can happen in the form of exclusion, separating the child from the rest of the group, from abuse, or of physical violence (beatings and beatings).

At these ages it is difficult to detect it, since children are learning to interact with others and they often fight, discuss and even hit. However when these behaviors are repeated and are always directed at the same child, is an alert signal that cannot be ignored.

Is there any bad intention?

There are experts who argue that one cannot speak formally of bullying in young children, since the intentional factor at such early ages is subjective.

Before the age of three, children have not developed the concept of empathy, so although violent behavior towards other children must be corrected, they are not really aware of the consequences of their behavior.

It is from the age of four, when the child has developed his self-consciousness and is able to assess the consequences of his actions. That is, you know when you have acted badly. At this age, aggressive and constant attitudes towards other partners may occur. There may be premeditation of going against a child and aggressive leadership attitudes To other children.

What is behind a stalker child:

We must not forget that we talk about young children who may be living special circumstances that lead them to act in the same way with their peers.

  • The child receives a bad example from parents, relatives or other people around him.
  • Exposure to videos or TV shows with negative messages.
  • Desensitization towards the pain of others, lack of empathy.
  • Daily acceptance of violence.

As parents, we should never allow a child to make fun of another, much less the use of violence. Although they are spontaneous and may not do so with bad intentions, it is essential to teach them from an early age to be tolerant, empathic and respect others. And of course, educate by example.

If you think your child may be suffering from harassment in preschool, talk to him, do not minimize his emotions and act as soon as possible by bringing it to the attention of teachers and authorities of the center. He bullying at an early age it must be stopped in time, both in the stalker and in the harassed, to avoid greater evils.

In Babies and more | How to detect if your child suffers bullying, Lou, Pixar's great short film about bullying that invites us to reflect

Video: The Effects of Bullying: What Parents Need to Know (July 2024).