Children who have a healthy diet get better grades, according to a new study

It is known that taking care of the children 's diet is crucial to establish good habits and protect them from obesity and other health problems in the future. Now, a new study has linked food with school performance.

The results of the V Nestlé Observatory on nutritional habits and lifestyles of families show the result that 32% of Spanish children are outstanding in languages ​​and / or sciences, while this figure rises to 46% among those who follow a healthy diet. According to this data, Children who have a healthy diet get better grades.

More outstanding

The study, carried out analyzing the results of 1,038 online interviews and a consumption diary for families with children aged 3 to 12 Spanish, reveals a significant increase in High marks among children who eat well.

You have to take into account the criteria that has been used to decide what a good diet is. In this sense, it has been considered that a child eats in a healthy way when his daily diet includes natural fruit and fresh vegetables and, at least once a week, legumes, fish and nuts, including olive oil as usual dressing and Water as the main drink.

More motivation to go to school

The results of the Observatory also show a relationship between feeding and the attitude of the children towards school: children with a healthy diet are the ones most satisfied with their school performance (6 out of 10 versus 4 out of 10 in the group of those who do not eat a healthy diet). Further, 84% of students who eat in a balanced way do not have trouble going to class.

On the other hand, only 28% of children are very happy with their homework, while the percentage reaches 42% among those who follow a balanced diet, a group that also increases the perception that they have enough time to do homework.

Results in context

When these types of studies are done, it is worth asking whether the results can be isolated in such a complex context as the family. Parents who care that their child has a healthy diet may also pay special attention to their child's school results. “Students who get better grades are children who, in addition to following a balanced diet, usually do regular physical activity, have good rest routines, better attitude, etc. In short, a healthy lifestyle corresponds to a physical, social and intellectual well-being ”is indicated in the text.

Dr. Rafael Casas, psychiatrist and expert in promoting health habits and childhood obesity, adds:

"An adequate cognitive development favorably influences learning. Regardless of other factors that affect this development such as genetics or socioeconomic status, it is very important that, in addition to emotional well-being, the child has a healthy diet with all the nutrients that they contribute to this cognitive process that determines the capacity for concentration, attention or memory and learning. ”

Fruits and vegetables, the pending subject

Another relevant fact is that only 10% of the families surveyed follow a balanced diet. 69% of parents know that three servings of fruit have to be offered daily but it seems that, although we know the theory, it is difficult for us to put it into practice, since only 17% do so.

They also eat less vegetables than recommended because, although 66% of families are aware that they should give their children two servings of vegetables a day, only 54% comply. In this regard, it is essential to set an example. Practically since the year children can eat almost everything and there is no need to have at home "senior meals and children's meals". The best way to make sure our children eat fruit and vegetables is to see us do it. It is worth the effort to see that ** children who eat a healthy diet get better grades. **

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