Put music in your children's lives: nine benefits of music in babies and children

Since she is in mom's belly, the baby is able to listen to music that comes from outside, and even already opts for some musical preferences. After birth, music remains a key element for the development of babies and children, and if we teach them to love it from an early age, music will continue to accompany them throughout their lives.

Music has many more benefits than we believe in the first years of life. We tell you at least nine benefits that will convince you to put music in your children's lives.

  • Stimulates the integral development of the child: music activates the brain, stimulating neuronal activity, improves listening and speech learning in babies, which is necessary to retain the information that comes to us or, later, for proper reading.

  • Motor development aid, since it improves coordination, balance and reaction to stimuli that come from abroad.

  • Improves concentration, attention and memory: the repetition of sounds helps to create attention patterns and develop the ability to memorize lyrics and songs.

  • Contributes to the acquisition of speech in children: Children learn to distinguish the rhythm of syllables and to discriminate between different sounds, which favors language development. Sound stimuli are key to learning the baby's speech.

  • Stimulates children's imagination and creativity: children have an innate creativity and music helps to foster and nurture abilities such as inventing, imagining, improvising ...

  • Improves communication capacity and relationship with the environment: Thanks to music you can favor the creation of skills that help the child to relate better to others.

  • Help the emotional development of our children, since the expression of emotions is favored through music.

  • Promotes sociability: Listening to music and dancing provides the opportunity for children to interact with each other and with adults.

  • It reassures them: Listening to music increases the level of endorphins, providing a feeling of well-being and reducing stress. In fact, it is used as therapy in children with hyperactivity, causing motor reactions and their nervous system to balance with the intensity of the stimuli. A calmer and relaxing music, less hyperactivity.

Put a soundtrack to your children's lives!