The great reflection of a teacher who explains why teachers are lucky (and no, it's not for summer vacations)

Salvador Carrión has been teaching at a school for six years, and tired of listening to cfunny jokes referring to teachers' long vacations, decided to fight back with a great thread on his Twitter account that has quickly gone viral.

Using the hashtag #docentesafortunados, Salvador has been explaining why teachers are lucky to have the job they have, and has encouraged other colleagues to join their initiative in recognition of the work of teachers.

You can (in fact you should) disguise yourself at least twice a year at work. #dodosafortunados

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

Very often your "subordinates" cry the day they go on vacation because they are going to miss you. # Lucky teachers

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

La Llorera is total and absolute if what happens is that they change cycle and they will not see you again the following course. #dodosafortunados

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

Playing is part of your job, in fact one of the most important parts.

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

You are on the crest of the trend wave, the dub, the swich x3, the fortnite. You find out about everything months before the ordinary mortals and years before it goes on TV. # Famed teachers

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

You have the opportunity to discover a whole new field of knowledge simply by changing the subject from one course to another.

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

No two days of work are the same, in fact or remotely similar, the routine is not an option.

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

You can eat San Jacobos from the dining room even when you are an adult. # Lucky teachers

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

You are witnessing the first love of a person, in fact all the courses several times and it reminds you every time what you felt with yours ... #dodosafortunados

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

It is well seen to go with a geek t-shirt to work.

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

You have a legion of "Sherpas" delighted to go to fill your water bottle, take your computer or even your backpack if you leave them #docentesafortunados

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

For some strange reason, schools are places full of candy and chocolate. #dodosafortunados

- Salvador Carrion (@salva_cv) June 23, 2018

The thread has been shared by more than 1,000 people in just a few days, and there have been many professional colleagues who have joined Salvador's funny responses, exposing more reasons why they are proud to be teachers:

You can paint, write, compose, sing, sculpt, act, read, teach, learn, dance, play sports, cry, laugh, get angry, get angry, calculate, project, program ... and all in one morning! #Forted Teachers

- Moisés Llorente (@MoisLlorente) June 24, 2018

When they bring you a flower from the patio. Or a rare stone. Or a beautiful dead bug. #Forted Teachers

- Miss Manchado (@mcmanchado) June 24, 2018

When a student tells you his things (typical of his adolescent world, so difficult and hard for everyone) because he considers you someone to whom he can tell you.

- Lara Baconsdottir (@LBaconsdottir) June 24, 2018

You can have the worst possible day, that as soon as you enter the classroom it is difficult not to forget: the energy of the students can with everything #docentesafortunados

- Say it out loud (@envozalta_libro) June 24, 2018

#docentesafortunados because when at the end of the course a student writes you saying 'Thank you teacher for helping me so much' you feel enormous happiness and satisfaction, which make you remember why you chose this job. We have a job that MATTERS! #doctors #education

- The blonde teacher 👩🏼‍🏫 (@RubiaProfe) June 24, 2018

The recognition of the teacher's work

This fantastic thread has served to put in value, from a comic and endearing point of view, the work of the teachers. But also to banish the false belief that they enjoy three months of vacation, because it is not so.

"There is a lot of ignorance of the teaching profession, and I think that we also now live in a time when there is a lack of recognition of our work" - Salvador lamented in an interview conducted in the program La Ventana, by Cadena Ser

And although it is true that, in general, there may be a social ignorance towards the work of teachersI think that most parents are very aware of the great work they do with our children. Therefore, with the arrival of school vacations, there are also signs of appreciation and recognition for their work, in the form of gifts or letters from parents and students.

My nine year old son reminds many times his teacher of Early Childhood Education. And he does it with a smile on his lips and a special glow in his eyes. And when he tells me about her, I see again that four-year-old boy who, on his way to school, stood dozens of times to pick wild flowers and give them away, and that little boy who hugged his neck euphorically on a Monday morning.

Then came Primary, and the change of school. New emotions and new teachers, but again the same love and respect for the teachers who accompanied him and helped with "the passage to the school of elders".

A few days ago, my son finished third grade and the last day of class was especially euphoric: "Next year, my teacher will be with me again!"He told me in a run over and exultant.

And I'm glad. Oh, I'm glad! His teacher has been a great support for him this course. He has been able to understand you at all times, and see inside. He has connected with him beyond books and notebooks, and that is an enormous tranquility for a mother, and a great push for a school-age child.

That is why I liked Professor Salvador Carrión's thread so much; because it has made me see the teachers in all their essence. And if you valued your professionalism and enthusiasm before, now I also appreciate the joy you put into everything you do, and your amazing ability to connect with your students and their feelings.

Happy summer to all those teachers involved, respectful and in love with their profession, who make our children's day to day throughout the academic year, a path full of beautiful and indelible memories!

In Babies and More Teachers that inspire: the "other notes" that every child should receive, admirable! The teacher who has a personalized greeting for each of his students before entering class, What to give to your child's teachers: we give you 17 original ideas