Sleep problems in pregnancy

The four hundred times we get up to go to the bathroom, in addition to the back pain and kicks of the creature, prevent us from give ourselves placidly to the hug of Morpheus.

The considerable volume of the gut, especially in the last stage of pregnancy, makes it a great achievement to find a comfortable sleeping position, and if we succeed, it immediately becomes uncomfortable. When that is not the case, it is the baby who takes advantage of our rest hours to show his soccer skills or some annoying cramp that “bites” our calf. In some women, it is their own beats that prevent them from falling asleep, while others suffer from dizziness when lying on their backs due to the pressure of the fetus in the main veins. Nightmares and worries of pregnancy and childbirth also influence to a greater or lesser extent. If sleeping has become an impossible mission, there are some tips we can follow to try to spend the nights better. Although no one can empty the bladder for us, not drinking liquids too late at night and avoiding tea, coffee and carbonated drinks, which stimulate the kidneys, can help. Thus we also avoid the exciting effect of caffeine.

The best sleeping position is lying on your side on the left side with your knees bent with a pillow between your legs, and if you prefer, another under the gut. This way we will be more comfortable and release the pressure on the main veins. A hot shower before bedtime can relax us and relieve back or lower back pain, as well as doing some physical activity during the day such as going for a walk or swimming will help you sleep. And finally, to avoid cramps, you should take foods rich in calcium and potassium, but if they attack you at night, get up on the numb leg or ask your husband to give you a massage (if you can wake him up). I hope the recommendations help you have sweet dreams.

Video: Sleep Problems In Pregnancy Hindi. By Gupta (May 2024).