Take care of the baby's ears

The hygiene of the baby is very delicate, especially that of the ears, where a very deep cleaning is not necessary. Simply pass the peak of a towel or gauze moistened by the ear, without rubbing and not forgetting the part of the folds behind the ears.

You should never put the swabs in your ear, you can push the wax inwards and you can injure the eardrum. The wax goes out by itself, you should not try to get anything out. Serum hygiene should be done occasionally, not daily.

When it is cold it is convenient to put a hat to go out, so it will keep your head warm, although you can also put it at home if it is newborn. This will not protect the baby from suffering from otitis, this pathology usually occurs as a result of a cold. In the water you must avoid sudden dives and do not remain soaking for a long time, the water macerates the eardrum and increases the risk of fungal or bacterial growth.

Loud noises and loud music should be avoided in the presence of a baby, your hearing is more acute and sensitive than in older people, and could harm you.

Take care of the baby's ears It is a delicate but necessary task, and do not hesitate to visit the specialist at the moment you detect any anomaly.