The character of babies

When your baby is born, he already does it with his own character, responding exclusively to games, stimuli of your own taste. The only clue we have about him during his first months is his eating behavior.

There are babies who are very playful, play with the nipple or the nipple before deciding to start eating, sometimes you wonder if it will start because you see how it grabs the nipple, then releases it, catches it again ... it is a very normal natural entertainment. There are also very calm, without any hurry to start eating, you often see how he sucks and after a while, he stays still, even falls asleep.

There are those who give the impression of being serious, they even seem to have the face of few friends, the baby who has the serious character is usually very patient and a characteristic that stands out in them is that they eat without any problem. There are very insightful that as soon as the nipple or the nipple appears, they cling quickly and finish their taking in 15 minutes. We can stimulate its character and its development with a series of games and techniques that facilitate it, if we leave you some toys that are tied and at different heights at your fingertips when you are in the park, this will help you want to catch them. In order not to get bored, we must renew them from time to time. Especially this stimulation is done with babies who are calm.

A bold child is comforted and gratified by the tranquility that nature arouses. Take a walk in the countryside listening to the sounds of nature live, when we rest from the walk, sit and listen to what surrounds us, the song of a bird, the stream that passes along the road, is really a way to breathe peace, calm and serenity to a baby a little nervous.

When she is a playful baby, she loves water and enjoys it. Take advantage of this facet to give it a gentle water swing back and forth. Being a restless baby, it will relax and gratify you.

These are some of the techniques that specialists advise and that help strengthen the baby's personality.

Video: Prince Tendai-Character (July 2024).