Diary of my pregnancy: the first kicks

There are few sensations as wonderful in a woman's life as feeling the baby moving inside her belly.

Although for some weeks I feel a kind of bubbling, just a few days ago that I have begun to feel the first kicks, or what we usually call kicks, which can also be, for example, the little hands brushing the walls of the uterus.

I do not remember in which week exactly I began to feel the movements in my first pregnancy. I estimate that it was roughly between 18 and 20.

It is true that in the second pregnancy the baby's movements feel earlier, at least in my case, since this second time they began to feel in week 17.

As I said, there are few sensations as beautiful as feeling the movements of your child within you. It also coincides with the stage when the nausea begins to disappear (although they still visit me from time to time) and the moment when the belly begins to be felt. Even though it is my second pregnancy, I still have a hard time understanding the miracle that a life is growing and moving within me. The kicks are the first communication with my baby, which gives me security. They are the tangible proof that the baby is there, that everything is going well.

Curiously, the little one is already claiming his place, since it draws attention from inside the belly when I have my 20-month-old daughter on top. It also does when the waist of the pants uncomfortable and in the moments of greater tranquility.

My favorite moment is at night, when I am lying in bed about to sleep and my husband and I place our hands on the belly waiting for a kick. Even, I like to eat something sweet before so that the baby moves more.

It is a relationship that has just begun, we still have five months left to enjoy this special communication.

Video: Pregnancy Week By Week: 19 Weeks (July 2024).