I don't like my son's friends

It is normal for your child to interact with many children, in fact, it is the most appropriate and most appropriate for a good social development, but on occasion you may find yourself in the situation of thinking that one of those children who relate to your child, negatively influence him, either because of its appearance, because of the type of language it uses or even because you don't like your parents.

You have to get rid of some prejudices and weigh impartially if your child's friend has something negative or just that you don't like him.

First of all, you should value the tastes of your little one and think that the tastes of parents and children do not always coincide. The truth is that many of the friendships your child will have will be forged at an early age and it is personal, that they choose, even when they are still little. Keep in mind that children are tiny people and that we cannot handle them as we please, they choose their friends and we must accept them, even though they do not please us.

There are children pegones, bossy, squeaky, etc., you can think that this type of playmates will be a bad influence for your child, but our job is to prevent him from being "infected", that at home an atmosphere of peace reigns, honey and love, that we be clear and sincere with our children, that the rules on behavior have them very clear, etc. All this will mean that his friends are not a negative influence for him, and he will also know what kind of children he wants to be with.

We parents can teach them some rules of friendship and companionship so that they are not in second place, that is, there are children who sometimes accept the leadership of one of their friends and this one, the leaders, believes they have the right to put the rules, forcing others, for example, to put the games.

Here we must intervene and explain to our son how important it is to share and be in solidarity with others, but also that others are with him.

Remember to never be blunt and much less ban the possible friendly relations that your child has, this will only aggravate his misunderstanding.

But not all the mountain is oregano, there are some cases in which the only possible alternative is really the absolute prohibition, since there are children that the only thing that they propitiate is precisely that your child does not develop any positive facet and we speak of none.

Children need to learn, experiment, know, many times they learn from the experience and they end up forming good friends.