Cervical pains during pregnancy

The body has been transformed since the first trimester, there have been discomforts and some have disappeared, but it is during the final stage of pregnancy when cervical pains usually appear, you have a stiff neck, headache and even a slightly sore neck. During the last months of pregnancy, these discomforts have a lot to do with the posture that is adopted during pregnancy, the accentuation of the curve of the spine, the overload that is suffered in the lumbar, thoracic or cervical vertebrae, propitiate these pains

During pregnancy, the tissues of the mother of the future mother are impregnated with water and become more bulky and swollen. This also occurs in the neck and the consequence is a reduction in the range of head movements. Specialists indicate that there is a possibility that by trying harder to breathe, since when the belly grows it compresses the diaphragm, these cervical pains are caused. When the diaphragm is compressed, other mechanisms are activated for better breathing such as the scalene muscles, which are found on the lateral parts of the vertebrae of the first and second ribs. As these muscles are not accustomed to develop this function, they can cause that annoying stiffness and a weakening of the neck.

There are many reasons why cervical pain can be suffered, another example would be the growth of the fetus that, by pressing the digestive system, liver, stomach and intestines, these organs report discomfort to the brain, the consequence is that these organs accommodate changing the position they had and this change could condition all the muscles that are born from the vertebrae of the spine, the consequence is clear, a greater tension that causes these pains.

For these reasons, a control over weight gain during pregnancy is essential, exercise to maintain some important factors such as elasticity, etc. Diet and exercise are linked so that everything works as well as possible, both for the development of the child, and for the mother to cope with pregnancy as well as possible.

If you already suffer from these pains, it is best to go to the doctor to advise you of some type of treatment, try not to take anything on your own initiative so as not to harm the future baby, since there may be harmful components for him in the drugs that are usually apply in this type of discomfort.

There are alternative prevention treatments that are very suitable such as yoga or massages performed by an osteopath.

Video: Is vaginal pain normal during pregnancy? (July 2024).