Tips for getting the baby's name right

I am in the process of deciding the name of my next daughter who will be born in a month and a half. And I must say that the responsibility of finding “the” proper name is not easy at all.

It can't be a lightly made choice, It has to be a well thought out and thoughtful decision since the name is something very important for anyone.

We have to keep in mind that the boy or girl will take him with him for the rest of his life.

When asked “what will it be called?” There are various reactions. Some couples are very clear about the names they like for their children, others consult books, ask family and friends, and others wait to see the baby's face to decide which name suits her best.

For those who are a bit lost, there are some tips and a kind of small rules to keep in mind before making the decision. For example, following the onomastics together can be somewhat dangerous. Your child can be born a day not very graceful to put the name of the saint, as "San Pancracio" (equal to the best, you like).

In addition to your liking, you have to think that the name can have a great influence on your personality. Therefore, you have to be careful with too strange names or those that are very fashionable.

Of course, think about your future child first and consider whether he would be happy to carry that name all his life. Would you like to call yourself that?

With respect to the rules of baby names, avoid rhyming the name with the last name (type: Raúl Seoul) and also avoid matching the name with the last name (type: Gonzalo González), both examples sound somewhat monotonous.

To avoid this kind of malsonances, write the possible names with the last name on a sheet and repeat them aloud several times to check how they sound.