Ecological snacks to take to school

In my house we separate the garbage to take it to the containers for recycling. It is a task that the planet recognizes us and we do with pleasure. My son Lucas is used to it and when he is not sure he asks me, Mom, where does it go, in plastics?

In the blog Almost seriously writes Jacqueline, a great mother who lives in Montreal with her offspring; I found a post about a Recyc-Québec initiative to contribute to the conservation of the environment: an ecological lunch box for lunch or school snack. The children of that Canadian province one day had the challenge of carrying a lunch box without any waste material. The goal was that the trash bins of the school canteen will be completely empty at the end of the day.

It seemed to me like a great idea, every day we should have goals like that, preparing for our children a lunch box in which everything could be reusable. No one disputes that environmental education begins at home.

Some of the tips for preparing an ecological snack are: * Do not bring more food than you really need * Use reusable containers for sandwiches, sandwiches, drinks, fruits, etc. A great idea, better than the widely used Albal paper. * Use metal cutlery and cloth napkins. * Bring lunch in a bag or lunch box. Not in disposable bags. * Avoid products that come in individual portions: cheese, yogurt, cookies, juices ... * Require the school cafeteria to use non-disposable utensils.

Since reading the initiative, I have set myself the task of preparing my son's snack in this way. Anyone else cheer up? The earth will not thank you.

Video: Eco Friendly School & Office Supplies Zero Waste Series (July 2024).