Workshops for children in the library

With the intention of attracting the little ones, the Juan San Martín library in the town of Eibar has designed and organized a series of activities to introduce children to the world of reading. Is about suitable workshops for children in the library.

The activities set out for this goal are the following, a mega-reader contest, the design of a bookmark and a creative writing workshop. It is very important to encourage reading in our children, a book develops imagination, ingenuity, memory, verbal fluency and of course, knowledge.

On this occasion, 82 children who have ages from 6 to 16 years have enrolled in the mega-reader contest. The aim of the contest is to get children to read a certain number of volumes always depending, of course, on their age. The prizes are equally educational and instructive, it can be a book, an entry for a cultural event, etc. The creative writing workshop is the latest and innovative initiative that has been incorporated this year, will strengthen the intent of the library. In this workshop, an illustrator will guide the children who participate in the process of writing and illustrating a story or a book.

Initiatives like this should flourish for all libraries, encouraging reading, a real benefit for our children.

Video: Family Place Library ParentChild Workshop (July 2024).