The physical changes of pregnancy, how they affect your partner

Since pregnancy begins physical changes they become more visible and palpable as it progresses, Some women care about these changes and feel they are not attractive to their partner, even the sexual appetite is reduced and the discomfort appears that his better half sees him naked.

Luckily, the general tone of the couple is that they do not usually reject the physical changes that the pregnant woman experiences, moreover, she feels excited about the changes and the progress of pregnancy. Although there is something that usually happens, that the woman herself is actually the one that does not accept the transformation that is undergoing her body, is the jarring note of the happiness she feels with her pregnancy. The future mom has just got used to the changes her body is undergoing and rather, her physique. The feelings he has are projected towards the couple and he automatically thinks that she does not accept these changes, when in reality, in most cases it is the opposite.

Something that every woman should consider would be, has your partner hinted at something? Do you notice any kind of rejection? Is she distant with you? Answer these questions and you will get the answers, they will surely be totally satisfactory, so you will not you will have to question yourself again the supposed rejections of your partner.

As for the issue of sexual relations, a fact confirmed is the couple's fear and respect for pregnancy. In addition, who decides when to make love is the future mother while reserving her appetite, since the priority is pregnancy and she will not want to do anything that could put the pregnancy at risk.

Another option would be, if you continue to think that your partner does not like you, do you think that she is more distanced from you or you see that she avoids sexual relations, it is best to ask directly, a question in time allows to clear many doubts, release tensions and be honest, which will bring a greater rapprochement and communion with the couple.

Video: What to Expect in the 1st Trimester: Q&A with Belly to Baby (May 2024).