An iron supplement may reduce infertility due to ovulation problems

The journal Obstetrics & Gynecology has published a study in which they suggest that a iron supplement could reduce the risk of infertility due to ovulation problems.

In the study carried out by researchers at Harvard University, in which they identified 438 women with infertility problems due to lack of ovulation, the consumption of vitamin or iron supplements of the participants was known. The conclusion was that the more iron they consumed per day, the lower the risk of ovulation problems and thus infertility; women who took more than 41 milligrams of iron a day (the highest dose) reduced the chances of anovulation by 62%. In previous studies it has already been revealed that iron is necessary for the development of the ovules, and something quite common among women is to have low iron reserves, so the researcher at the Harvard University School of Public Health, Jorge E. Chavarro, suggests that women who plan to get pregnant should take an iron supplement.

Chavarro also states that this study still needs to be corroborated by other researchers studying other populations, so before making a decision in order to achieve pregnancy, it is better to consult with the specialist and, if possible, make a personalized prescription.

Video: Pregnancy FAQs : How to Get Pregnant With Anemia (May 2024).