The Three Kings no longer bring surprises

Apparently the parents are paying increasing attention to the requests that the children make to the Magi, the surprises are practically non-existent, everything the child asked to be brought to him, he found. A study by the Idea Sana Eroski Observatory indicates that up to 78% of gifts are chosen by children, a decision that a decade ago was the parents' task.

The magic of surprise that enveloped the coveted Three Kings Day has practically disappeared, now this condition has been replaced by the known and expected, the reality is that the magic disappears year after year.

Analyzing the evolution of the decision of the parents we can see that, we have gone from 68% of decisions about the gifts made by the parents about 10 years ago, to only 22% today. According to the words of the psychologist and pedagogue Valentín Martínez-Otero, it is not good to allow children to always decide what they want and the reason is quite obvious, the advertising media are specialized in impressing children through the development of advertisements designed by experts in child psychology. We can realize being adults and only in some occasions, but for children the seduction is 100% effective.

Our society is set up in a way in which the majority of parents spend very little time with their children and this lack is attempted to be replaced through compensation, in this case the wishes for Three Kings Day.

It is in the parents the possibility of recovering again part of that magic of surprise and the unexpected.

Video: We Three Kings - Mario Lanza - RED VINYL! + SURPRISE GUEST! (May 2024).