Babies conceived in spring, more risk of being premature

Just yesterday we talked about the effects on the baby's health according to the time of the year in which it was conceived.

Today I learned of a new study from the University of Pittsburgh (United States) that states that Women who conceived during the spring may have a higher risk of childbirth before 37 weeks gestation.

They analyzed the time of conception of more than 75,000 women over ten years and have been able to verify that premature births occurred more in women who fathered children in spring, while the lowest percentage is that of premature babies conceived in summer.

According to scientists, those responsible could be seasonal allergies and viral infections that occur more in the spring season, as well as diets, sun exposure and exercise habits.

They believe that getting pregnant in spring, when a woman's immune system may be weakened by viruses and bacteria, can influence preterm births.

The intention of studies like this is to find a series of signs that can alert you to the possibility of premature birth, since as the doctor responsible for the study says, most of the time the woman has already broken waters and there is no nothing to do.

Video: Neurodevelopment of Preterm Babies (May 2024).