Spending time with children is beneficial for their development in the first years of life

Parents know that it is important to spend enough time to be with our children, play games, do day-to-day activities, give love and talk to them, it is very important. Well, I read a story that only reinforces what parents naturally know.

According to studies conducted by specialists in New Zealand the time we dedicate to our children, especially in the first three years of life, favors the development of the child's brain in an appropriate way. Children who are loved and have the opportunity to explore the world and enjoy positive experiences become flexible, sociable, affectionate and intelligent individuals.

When we are born our brain is only connected by 15%, the remaining 85% is connected in response to the experiences lived mainly in the first three years of life.

Studies have found that children who grow up in chaotic, violent environments or in circumstances of abuse and even ignored, do not develop important characteristics to be sociable individuals and this creates sequels that will manifest in their lives as adults.

The best gift we can give our children is to share with them as long as we can.

Video: What is the most important influence on child development. Tom Weisner. TEDxUCLA (May 2024).