Do cats cause allergy to children?

Despite the fact that whenever there are animals at home, with the birth of a baby there is usually someone who recommends you take them away from the child, a study shows that To avoid possible allergies that the baby develops because of animals, it is not enough not to have direct contact with them.

There are really no conclusive studies that show that cats can be the cause of children having allergies, they say due to the lack of long-term studies, so researchers from the National Research Center for Environment and Health, Nuremberg (Germany ), they have followed 2,166 children from birth to six years of age.

The study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology suggests that if the little ones are exposed to cat allergens during their first two years, they may be more likely to develop allergy to these cats, but may disappear around six year old. Other studies say the opposite, that having cats at home can protect children from sensitization to feline allergens. Keep in mind that the study authors indicate that sensitization does not mean that the child is allergic to cats, only that it has a higher risk of being so.

They also indicated that children who do not have cats at home but who were frequently in contact with them, also had high chances of developing sensitization especially if the parents suffered from any type of allergy.

As we see, things are still unclear. We know families of both types, who do not allow their babies to be in contact with animals or who have so many that could ride a zoo, of course there are cats, and the little ones are very healthy, so we hope they solve this mystery for greater peace of mind of many parents and safety of children.

Video: Types Of Allergies In Cats 8 Most Common Causes (May 2024).