Free stories for children about asthma and allergy

Explain to our children that they cannot eat the same as other children or that they cannot do certain activities that may harm them, it is very difficult. Children want to be like everyone else, and it is not easy for them to understand that their allergy prevents them from eating a certain food while all the children in the dining room are eating it and nothing happens to them.

Both asthma and allergies are problems that affect a large part of the child population and it is very important that they have full knowledge of what they suffer in order to avoid all possible risks. There are several books that teach, advise and guide on the information that the whole family must have to protect and control the child's health, but today we find two stories written for children that will help them understand their disease, one is about asthma and another about allergies.

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAI) has posted the stories on the web where we can download them in pdf for free. They are short, clear and enjoyable, so if you want help so that your child is acquiring the understanding of the care their health needs, you can access them through the link below.

Video: Asthma- Not Just Kid's Stuff (May 2024).